Chapter 5: Back to School

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I wait at by the toilets near the entrance at the train station for her. Today she is a bit late maybe she got held up by Dre, I know how chatty that boy can be. I see her walk by me towards the train platform and waits by the area where the last carriage usually stops. As soon as the train comes she hops on and I follow on behind her and make sure I sit in my usual seat right opposite her. I see her staring at me and she quickly smiles making my heart skip a beat, I hate the fact that she is so close to me but I can't do anything about it.

Well at least not yet.

"Hey I saw you and I couldn't help but ask  whether I can have your number?" A boy approaches Maze and hovers over her making my blood boil. I want to push him away from her and make him regret looking at her. Who does he think he is approaching my little girl like that?

"You seem like a really nice boy but I'm not really looking for anything" she nicely turns him down and gives him her famous smile, he didn't deserve to see that smile. He still remains standing him front of her making me even more angry, these train rides are the only times I get to see her.

"Ok but can you at least give me your num-"

"Excuse me sir but you have to sit down its the rules on the train" Mark interrupts the boy making Maze look up at him confused, does she recognise him? Well if she doesn't recognise me doubt she would recognise Mark.

"Since when?" The boy asks.

"Since your dumb bag was in my fucking way so sit your ass down or I'll throw your bag to the other carriage" Mark threatens and my smile grows on my face as I watch the boy run towards the seat away from Maze.

"Thanks man" I whisper to him as soon as he sits next to me.

"Man I had to do something, you were reaching for your gun you nutjob" he whispers back making me look down and notice that my hand was by my pocket where I keep my gun.

"My bad" I whisper back. When we get to our stop we get off the train and trail behind Maze making sure that no one else was following her.

"Dude you're getting too close" Mark pulls me back making me sigh. I hate the fact that I have to keep this distance from her, I just want to hold her and tell her that her big brother JB is here to protect her like he promised.  I don't want her to feel as if she has been abandoned or is alone.

"How much longer do I have to distant myself from her? It's been 9 years and 10 months since I've last held her Mark so please tell me how much fucking longer do I have to wai-"

"Shshsh" he cuts me off and places his finger on my lips.

"Dude did you just shush me?" I ask him as I slap his finger away from my lips. I was opening up to him and he just shushes me like that. I should shoot him for that.

"Look" he points down at Maze who looks like she is about to walk down into the alleyway. "Joon and Trent are there" Mark speaks up making me sigh.

"Do something" I push him and he just shrugs his shoulders then looks around and picks up a rock before throwing it in her direction. She turns around and me and Mark jump to hide behind the tree close to the exit of the alleyway. As soon as she turns back around we make our way to the exit of the alleyway and make our way towards the two idiots.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Guys? Acting as if you've never dealt before-"

"Shshsh" Trent cuts me off and pulls me to the side. Why is everybody shushing me today do they have a death wish? "She's approaching what do we do?" He asks and I don't know what to do. If we run towards the exit she'll see us and she can't see us with Namjoon.

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