Chapter twenty one (final)

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Five years later

"Arthur, dance with me," Francis smiled trying to pull me up. "Francis, as always, you are eager as a child," I laughed, putting my book down. "Who is this?" I asked as he held me close in a waltz style.  "Why it is Debussy, my love," He chirped, holding me closer. "Sounds grand," I laughed. I started to rest my head on his shoulder as I listened to the beautiful music.

"Do you know what today is?" He asked, and I lifted a brow. "I can't say I do," I laughed nervously, hoping it was not our anniversary. "It is the day you turned me human once more," he laughed placing his head on my shoulder as well. "Really?" I asked thinking about it. We were in October, so it made sense. "It has not felt that way," I pointed out as he twirled me around. So much has happened since then. Francis and I started dating about four years ago, but he had recently asked me to marry him, which I could not refuse.

During those years, Francis had become well known in Nice, France for his pastries; we were able to move out of that house and plan to move to Paris this year. "How is your second novel coming along," Francis asked and I smiled. "It is getting there, slowly," I laughed as he spun me around and looked back at me with such love.

I had achieved my goal of becoming a Novelist. I say this has been a dream come true. "Arthur, I love you," Francis smiled at me. "I love you too," I answered in a duh tone. "If I were to die right now, I would not regret a thing," he laughed dipping me. "Never joke about such things," I said seriously holding onto his cheek. "My have the tables have turned," he laughed. I lifted a brow to what he said "what?" I asked confused, but he still laughed.

"It is nothing," he smiled kissing my cheek, then my forehead, then my nose, then my head, then my cheek, and then my neck. Until he continued doing that in a fast movement. He would not stop kissing all of my faces multiple times. "Stooooop!" I laughed trying to push his face away. I stood up from the dipped position, but he still pulled me closer to him. "My love for you grows by the second Arthur, and all I want ever to do is show you how much I love you, so I can love and respect you till the end of eternity," he smiled holding my cheeks in his palm.

"You forgot one spot," I laughed, leaning in for a kiss. I pulled away and smiled at him the happiest I could smile. "Let's hope eternity never ends then, yes?" I asked. He started to run his hands in my hair, tilting his head to the side, staring at me. "Of course, my dearest," he chuckled as I stood apart from him. The music still playing in the back. "I love you with all of my being, I want nothing more than to stay like this, in bliss with you," Francis smiled kissing me passionately on the lips. "As do I," I smiled back.

Francis suddenly made an uneasy face. "Francis? Are you alright?" I asked looking at him. "Yes, I just need to-." He cut off by falling to the ground. "Francis!" I yelled concerned. "No it is fine Arthur; stay back please," Francis begged to hold onto his chest. "What is wrong? Let me help-." He suddenly fell to the floor. "No, no, no, wake up now!" I yelled, running to him and dropping to my knees.

I started to shake him, but he would not wake up. "Francis stops screwing with me right now or else," I cried taking out my phone. "Yes, this is 112; what is your emergency," a person on the phone asked. "My husband, something is wrong with him; he has passed out; please help," I cried through the phone. "We will be right there," the person hung up. I started to sob as I held onto Francis. "Wake up now!" I yelled, crying. "Please?" I soon started to laugh. "You always know how to make such crazy jokes. Now is not the time to joke; you need to get up and...and smile, please wake up," I begged to feel my smile drop. 

After a while, I heard the door come barging open as I continued to mess with Francis's hair softly. " I love you," I cried. "Sir, please step away," the emergency people tried to pull me away. "No wait he might wake up; he needs me," I continued to cry. ".....yes....looks like it.... the husband is in denial, "I heard a lady speak on her phone. I looked at Francis and cried. "You are going to wake up, you promised you would not leave me," I yelled across the room to him, but some people held me back from going over to him. The could this happen? After so many years.

I saw the paramedics put a bag over him, and I felt my heart leave my chest. Why could I not see him then? I can still see dead people. He has to be joking. "Francis? When are you going to get up?" I asked through some of the people holding me back. "We are sorry, sir, it was already too late to save him from the heart attack," a lady came up to me, looking down sadly.

"No, that can't be; we were just dancing not too long ago; he has to be alive," I cried more. "Make sure to get him counseling," she told another person. I looked at everyone, horrified. I can't see him because..... he was able to move on. That is not fair, I loved him, why, how could this have happened? I finally stopped fighting against the people and just cried...I cried as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. "My love!!!" I cried.

"I am sorry...."

Yeah that is it guys!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ author note is next!! Just wait till then to fight me please.

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