Chapter fourteen

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"Where are we going first?" He asked, looking at me stare at the map. "How about going to a museum?" I asked, wondering. "Yes! That sounds amazing," he smiled, standing up and pulling me. "Hurry! We have to go now!" He said so excitedly. "Okay" I smiled in a goofy way feeling him touch my hand. Why am I acting this way? I feel stupid.

"Which museum?" He asked, confused. "Here is a list; pick one," I smiled showing him the paper. His eyes wandered around as he tried to pick one. " How about this one! Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie" he suggested making me look at the paper; it was a science museum. "Alright then, if you want," I laughed nervously. I do not like science stuff but seeing him excited gave me the motivation to go through with it.

~time skip~

"Never in my years would I ever have thought to see something so beautiful," Francis cried looking at the beautiful glass ball

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Never in my years would I ever have thought to see something so beautiful," Francis cried looking at the beautiful glass ball. "Well, now you can," I smiled pushing him to go closer. He looked at the sphere smiling so happy. "Arthur, you have shown me true happiness. It is like my aching soul is starting to be repaired." He smiled, looking at me.

"Don't give me all the credit, you made it worth it," I said looking to the sphere. "It is called la Géode" I told him pointing to the ball. "Wow," he smiled happily. "Let's go look at the rest of the museum before we move on to our next destination," I pulled him along. "Yes!!!" He smiled following along.

"Tell me, Francis, What captivates you to love science so much?" I asked as we looked at the planets hanging. "There is always something new to discover I guess," he answered plainly. He started to stare at me with a face I could not describe well in words. It was the face I would have stared at my Ex lover in college. "What?" I asked nervously. "Nothing really; you just seem to always shine brighter than anything in the room. I am looking at these stars and planets, yet you seem to be more beautiful than all of them combined. I wonder how that is possible," Francis continued to smile at me as I felt my head pop from embarrassment.

"What?...." I laughed, confused. "Yes, Arthur, I am saying you are more beautiful and radiant than anything or anyone I have seen in my many years," he held my hand in his and kissed it. "Wow," I laughed. He continued to smile at me. "How about we catch the next showing?" I suggested pointing to the planetarium. "Of course," Francis added, smiling.

As we waited, I kept thinking about what he told me, I was so embarrassed I did not know what to do with myself. "Please excuse me," I told him, standing up. I needed to freshen myself up so my heart would not jump out of its chest. I looked at myself in the mirror and breathed out slowly. "You got this," I laughed, slicking some of my hair back. Once I finished, I marched out of the restroom and was ready to see the next viewing show of the planets. It will be amazing. I just need to focus on the show and not on Francis's silky blonde hair....yes...that's all.

"It is about to start soon," Francis looked at me excitedly. "Indeed, let's go then," I smiled, pointing to the entrance. We walked in taking our seats, and it will already dim in the room. "The show will start shortly," a person on a mic announced.  "I am so excited," Francis laughed, holding onto my hand. ....the one that was not broken, obviously.

"You can Lean on me if you want," Francis smiled like a puppy at me. "There is no need for that," I looked at him unamused. "Oh, come on, please?" He asked, smiling. "No, I am fine," I huffed out. The lights started to turn off as a brighter light started to shine. It was of the Milky Way galaxy and others. "Wow," Francis gawked, opening his mouth with amazement.

"It is beau-." I cut myself off, looking at Francis.
"Beautiful," I finished. I could not keep my eyes off of him. The face he made, staring in awe, was so priceless. I want to always see him that happy. He finally noticed me staring and turned to me. "What is it?" He asked in an innocent way. " is just a beautiful show," I laughed, smiling once more at him.


Once the show ended, Francis could not stop talking about it.  "Where are we to go now?" He asked, looking about ready to jump across the room. "I was thinking of the Eiffel Tower," I looked at him in a suggesting way. "That sounds fantastic! Let's go!!" He said, grabbing my hand once more to pull me along. "I can't wait to see it," he smiled, holding onto my hand softly. I looked down at this and noticed how he would not let go.

"Oh, that is my bad, Arthur," he laughed nervously, pulling his hand away. "It is fine, don't worry," I told him reassuringly. He must be excited to be alive again. I would, too, especially after seeing so much already in just about a day and a half. I wonder if he wishes he was never murdered those years ago. What if there was something that he left behind and could not take back? That is why he did not move on to the afterlife.

"Francis, do you regret anything before you died?  do you wish for something that you can no longer have?" I asked, confused. He stopped and looked at me seriously. "I..... I did, not anymore," he said sadly. "Really? What was it?" I asked, interested. "It is not important right now. I am much happier with how things are now," he smiled nervously. "Sorry I asked," I apologized, walking. I may have overstepped my bounds this time.

Thanks for reading ❤️

A ghost story (FrUK)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن