Chapter eleven

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"Alright then Mr.Kirkland, you are free to go" the doctor smiled at me sadly. Today was Saturday, I was in the hospital for some time after that event. Ivan was taken into custody for physical and sexual assault. Although this was the case, I could not forget what happened. I started to have nightmares of it. The doctor ordered me to start seeing a therapist but I have no idea if it has been helping. Luckily my left hand was broken and was expected to heal very fine soon. If Ivan were to grab even harder, it would have not been the same circumstance.

"Things you requested are here, would you like assistance with your home?" The nurse asked. "No, I will be fine, thank you" I smiled grabbing the bag with my right hand. I am sure Francis has been extremely worried the past few days. I thought about him a lot in the hospital, and how worried he was. He must have been frightened about not being able to help.


"Francis?" I called out into the house. "Arthur, you are okay!!!" Francis said, crying as he saw me. He tried to hug me but went through me instead. "Do not scare me like that," Francis begged looking down to the floor. "I won't; I promise" I smiled at him. He looked up and looked at my bag. "What is that?" He asked, confused.

"Well, I promised to bring you back to life, right? We will do it today," I smiled holding the bag of stuff in the air. "Yes, please," he cheered as if he were a child. "Let's go to the basement then; everything else should be down there," I smiled walking to the door. I just need to set everything up, then do the spell; no big deal.

I opened the bag of salt with my mouth and hand as Francis looked at me worriedly. "Are you sure you can?" He asked, concerned. "Of course, it is for you after all," I smiled at him. His face went from concerned to embarrassment in a matter of seconds. I started to pour the salt in a circle on the ground. I then took out the bag of bones and placed them in the center of the circle.

"What now?" Francis asked, looking at me. I wiped some sweat off my forehead and took some candles out. "I need to set this up," I said, placing the candles around the circle. I then took out the pack of meat, opened it, and placed it in the center. "What is that for?" He asked, confused. "For your flesh and blood," I explained making him nod. I took out some blonde horse hair and placed it in the center too. I wonder if the person buying my things was worried.

I placed the goat's eye in the center as well for sight, the cow's tongue for taste, the frog's brain for thought, the rabbit's foot for touch, along with the pig's ear and nose for smell and hearing. "These are odd things," Francis said nervously. "I got this," I smiled, giving him a thumbs up. I placed some Oak leaves around and smiled at my work. "You ready?" I asked him, grabbing my spell book. "Ready as I'll ever be," he chuckled out.
I opened the book on my lap before turning the page. "One last thing," I smiled pricking my finger. Francis lifted a brow at me, confused. "It is for youth since you were 26, would not want you to get old or something," I laughed turning away. "Let's start!" I laughed, lifting my hands up.

"retro temporibus animi levare unde venerunt? mortuos pulchritudo et convertet in adolescentia, ut habitent ibi. Franciscus reducam Bonnefoy !!!" I yelled seeing a light start to arise. "retro temporibus animi levare unde venerunt? mortuos pulchritudo et convertet in adolescentia, ut habitent ibi. Franciscus reducam Bonnefoy !!!" I repeated, seeing Francis's spirit getting pulled into the center. One more time! "retro temporibus animi levare unde venerunt? mortuos pulchritudo et convertet in adolescentia, ut habitent ibi. Franciscus reducam Bonnefoy !!!" I shouted, making an explosion push me against the wall.

The candles and light went out in the room, making me move around to find something to brighten the place up. "Francis?" I called, but there was no answer. I stood up quickly and started to walk up the basement stairs to open the door for some light. That hurt bad. I held my head opening the basement door. The sunlight hit my eyes, blinding me as I tried to look around.

I turned to the mirror next to me and saw my hair was a mess "good grief," I said, shaking my head. I limped a bit to the living room and saw..... him, and he was standing there. "Francis?" I asked, confused. He turned around slowly, looking at his hands. "Arthur?" He cried, looking at me. His eyes were vibrant blue, blonde silky hair; he was very thin and tall. "Wow," I smiled, looking at him.

"You did it!!!" He yelled, grabbing me for a hug. "I can hug you! I can feel you," he cried as he ran his fingers through my hair softly. "Arthur!!! Thank you!" He cheered, pulling away from me. He lovingly looked into my eyes. "It was no problem, really" I smiled at him. He separated from me and started to feel his body, making sure it was real.

"Well? What will you do first?" I asked, laughing at his happiness. "Go outside," he cheered, walking to the door. I followed behind him and saw him hesitant to open it. "Do not worry, it will be fine," I reassured him. He nodded and opened the door widely, his face blinded by the sun. "It...." he paused, looking outside. "Well, come now," I laughed, pulling him by the arm. "Wait, is it okay?" He asked, worried it was too good to be true. "Of course," I smiled, grabbing his hand in mine to pull him outside.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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