Chapter six

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The next day I woke up ready to start the new day. I was feeling more energized than I was the previous day. That means I will have more patience. How fantastic. I took a peek out the door and into the hallway and saw that the light from in the room I left Francis in was on.

Before I went to check on him, I quickly showered and changed to get ready for the new day. I just wore regular trousers and a white button-up shirt. Once I finished, I looked out the hallway seeing that it has not changed since I went to go shower.

I walked over to the room and peeked inside. "Are you okay?" I asked, concerned, looking at his face in horror. I walked into the room and saw the time period was during World War Two. "Is this true?" He asked as if he wanted to cry. "Yeah, it was in 45; my grandfather fought in the war, it was quite the stories he had for us," I said sitting next to him to watch as well.

"Why would that happen?" He asked sadly. "All those people.... they were murdered," he added, looking at the tv in horror as if he were a child. "Well, people just do bad things to other people. It happens," I said looking at his face drop. "I can understand that part," he said in a saddening tone. "Hey, do not worry!" I tried to cheer him up. It was no use though. "Want to talk about it?" I asked, crossing my legs, and turning to him. He looked up at me and back down. "I died very young, twenty-six. I never had the chance to travel, grow old, or get married to love someone. It was taken away from me.....I can never get that back," he said looking down.

"I know...." I signed, not knowing what to say. I looked over to a box that had some of my spell books, and my eyes widened. "What if I told you I could bring you back to life?" I asked seriously looking at him. "Like witchcraft?" He said, worried. "Something like that, yes," I said excitedly. "I would say you are utterly crazy....." he told me smiling. "You can do that?" He asked curiously. "Yes! I am pretty skilled," I smiled pointing to the box filled with my books. "How do we start?" He asked seriously. "I can do it; I just need your body," I told him.

His eyes widened as he looked down. "The basement, we need to find it," he suggested, and I nodded. I stood up, and he told me to wait. "What is it?" I asked, confused. "I need to ask you one thing that I have been worried about," he said looking at me. "Which is?" I asked, sitting back down. "You can see me; haven't you wondered what caused it?" He asked worriedly. I thought about it for a second.... and completely forgot about that part. "I will figure it out eventually; for now, let's go bring you back from the dead," I smiled standing up.

He deserved a chance to be happy after what he went through. I want to make sure I can help him with that.  If I was in his place, I would want that as well. Francis followed behind me downstairs as we made our way to the basement door. "Do you have any idea where they put you?" I asked, opening the door. He shook his head as I turned the lights on. I have needed to clean in here. Maybe it will be good to clean up first before I find out where he is.

I looked around the basement and saw multiple shelves that need to be cleaned off with a table full of trinkets. "I need to clean this place up first," I said, looking at him. "Do you mind?" I asked, pulling my sleeves up and placing my hands on my hips. "Not at all," he said, sitting down on the staircase. I grabbed a broom and started to sweep up the dirt on the floor. "Give me a second," I said heading upstairs to get more cleaning supplies like trash bags and other stuff.

"I am back" I smiled, placing the stuff down beside Francis. "Took you long enough," he laughed. "Whatever," I rolled my eyes, opening a trash bag. "Judging by the mess, it might take two days to clean up and get rid of things," I told him. "I have eternity, Arthur" he laughed, making me nod.

I put a cleaning apron around my head, tying it at the back of my waist. "Time to get started," I smiled determinedly to clean as much as I could today. "So, don't you get frustrated not being able to grab or touch things?"  I asked Francis as I swept up the dirt in a pile. "I could, but it takes a lot of effort," he laughed out in a defeated way.

I stuck my hand out to him, and he looked at it, confused. "Go on... grab it," I said, waiting for him. He lifted an eyebrow, confused, before pretending to breathe out. "It probably won't work," he said. "You never know, just do it," I smiled, waiting for him to grab it. "Fine," He said going for it. However, his hand went through.

"Try again," I smiled, urging him to try. He nodded and did it once more. This time we were able to get a grip....for about twenty seconds before he went through my hand. "I did it!" He smiled happily, staring at his hands. "That is good to know," I smiled, turning back to my cleaning. However, I could somehow feel his eyes dart at me the whole time. It made me slightly uncomfortable, but I ignored it. Francis was probably just overjoyed he was able to finally shake someone's hand after so long.

Thanks for reading so far!!!!❤️ more updates tomorrow

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