Chapter twenty

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"Roderich Edelstein murdered his ex-wife Elizabeta Hédervári after losing the custody battle over their child. He hit her over the head with a baseball bat causing her skull to crack open, and Roderich disguised himself and then kidnapped the child one day while the boy was riding his bike. Roderich hid the child in a different location, a shed, so as not to be caught. However, he started to soon complain about seeing ghosts. when Roderich tried to skip town, he tried to take the child with him, but the young boy refused to do what he said. Roderich accidentally beat the child to death."

I finished reading the summary as I fell back into my seat. "That child at the sounds a lot like what happened to him," I said horrified. Ever since living here I have had nothing but experiences involving death. How can people be so cruel? It did not make any sense at all to me. "Arthur!" Francis's voice called sweetly to me. "The food is ready," he called once more making my heart flutter.

Francis is the only sunshine in my life right now. I stood up from my seat and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Yes....Darling," I said, joking. He turned around smiling and showed me what he made. "Arthur, if only you were serious," he laughed. I sat down on a seat and looked at the food. "What is it?" I asked confused

"French onion soup," he smiled proudly. "Sounds grand," I laughed and looked at him. "Arthur, I would like to work," he looked at me seriously. "What? Why? Are you sure?" I asked worriedly. He won't know much of what to do. "Yes, I want to help you, I do not want to feel useless," Francis said determinedly. I don't think he is useless. "But What will you do?" I asked confused. "People make money cooking food for other people, so I will start a food place," he smiled in a dreaming way.

I looked at him worried as I ate some of the food. It was amazing. "Hmmm... Fine, I will help you out then," I said, giving in. Although I was worried for him to come up with a thought like that, I am sure he wants more in life than to just stay in this house longer than he already has. I can grant his wish or at least help make sure he succeeds. "Really?" He asked, confused but happy.

"Of course, what are friends for," I smiled at him. I started to pat his back as I gestured for him to sit down to eat. "Plus, you seem like you are a good cook, I guess," he laughed nervously at the compliment. "Thank you, Arthur" he started to eat his food as well. I guess it could be exciting to help him do that. Maybe we can move out of this house one day, so he never has to see it again. Maybe that would be good too.

"So, did you find anything interesting from the files?" Francis asked, interested. "I did find something. Basically, the guy who last lived here was a murderer," I looked to Francis, whose face dropped so low it was about to hit the ground. "Seriously? Whom?" Francis asked as he stopped eating to listen. "Well, the summary said it was his ex-wife and child. That child so happened to be the one I asked directions from at the cemetery," I added, feeling sad. Talking about death has started to make me feel sad, especially since I find out it is all around me.

"Wow..... well, I have no idea what to say about that. Death happens all the time, even to the innocent ones. It is a sad truth." Francis held onto my hand once he saw how sad I was. "All we can do is hope for the best, that it won't happen to, I guess," he laughed nervously. Francis knew what it was like to get so brutishly murdered. "You too, since you are alive now," I said, and he nodded. "Sure."

I looked back at my food and started to eat once more. "Arthur, if you don't mind, I would like to cook for you every single day," Francis stared at me. I looked at him and saw how happy he was. I always want to see him that happy for as long as I live. I would give up everything to see that smile. "Okay then, if you want," I laughed. The food was amazing, like nothing I had tasted before. I am sure he could cook a whole lot of other things. "Do you know how to make tarts?" I asked him. He looked at me as if he wanted to jump over the table and hug me.

"What?!" I asked embarrassed. I just asked him a simple question. "Yes, of course, do you like tarts?" He asked, smirking brightly. I glared at him for a bit until I looked away. "Yeah, sure, I guess," I said, trying for him not to get to me so easily with a smile. "Good, I will make them for you whenever you want." He chuckled out a bit. "Really!?" I said, excited looking at him. Once I realized how excited I got, I coughed out and composed myself again. "I guess if you want to, I won't stop you," I said nervously, looking away and then back.

"Arthur, this life with you will be a dream come true," he added, touching my hand. "What does that mean?!" I asked, confused. "It means exactly what I said, but to put it simply, I have been dreaming of having met someone like you, it took centuries, but I think it was worth the wait," he laughed, looking at me so lovingly. Oh god, he got me again. I am showing a weak side to him that I always tried to hide. "If you say so," I laughed out a bit happy.

Thanks for reading so far! ❤️

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