Th Badge and The Burden Pt 2

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ok so here is the deal. I decided once I finish volume 2 of rwby. I will start working on my hero academia story. when that happens this story will be on break for a bit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-----Alex Pov------------

While we waited for Weiss to change into her combat uniform. I paid close attention to the cage with the grim inside as it was trying to escape by slamming itself around the cage.

Yang: you okay Alex you seem like you have seen a monster.

Alex: hmm no I was just thinking how he got a grim in that cage. It seems kinda dangerous.

Yang: well we are training to be huntsmen

Alex: I guess it makes sense.

after a bit, Weiss came out and pulled her weapon ready to face the monster Prof port had.

Yang: Go Weiss

Blake: FIght well

Alex: show that grim who's boss.

Ruby: Yeah represent team Rwby.

Weiss: Ruby, I'm trying to focus!

Ruby: oh..I'm sorry.

Prof Port: All right! let the match begin!

Port uses his weapon to slash the lock revealing the boarbatusk hiding inside. The boarbatusk begins to run out of the cage as it sees Weiss and rushes her as she dodges and manages a slice on its side. Weiss notices that the boarbatusk was unfazed by the attack.

 Weiss notices that the boarbatusk was unfazed by the attack

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Prof Port: ahaha not expecting that!

Ruby: hang in their Weiss!

We continue watching as Weiss glides towards the grim as she tries to strike and kill the Boarbatusk and finish the fight. When she tries to strike she gets her weapon stuck between the Boarbatusk's horns and tries to free her weapon from the grim's grasp.

prof port: Bold approach. I like it.

Ruby: come on Weiss! show it who's boss.

Weiss glares at Ruby as she loses focus and the boarbatusks knocks her weapon away and Knocks Weiss back. Weiss tries to get up as she notices the boarbatusk already rushing as she quickly dodges out of the way.

Ruby: nows your chance aim for its belly it doesn't have armor there!

Weiss: stop telling me what to do!

I notice Weiss irritation with ruby as Weiss glares at her and returns her attention towards the grim again. Weiss runs towards her weapon as she manages to retrieve it. The Boarbatusk jumps into the air as it rolls into a ball and begins rolling at high speeds towards Weiss. Weiss manages to summon a glyph flipping the grim over as she uses another glyph to launch her towards the boarbatusk and stabbing it and killing it.

Prof port: Bravo. Bravo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress in training. I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and stay vigilante class dismissed.

As we leave class I notice Ruby running after Weiss.

Alex: hey I'm going to talk to ruby.

Yang: okay

Blake: be careful

I began running behind Ruby as I notice them talking as I hide behind the corner.

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: What!

Weiss: what's wrong with you. why are you being...

Weiss: what's wrong with me! what's wrong with you! Your supposed to be a leader, and all you been so far is a nuisance.

Ruby: What did I do?

Weiss: That's just it! You've done nothing to earn your position. Back at the forest, you acted like a child and you've only continued to do so.

Ruby: Weiss where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about working together. I thought you believe in acting as a team.

Weiss: not a team led by you! I've studied and trained, and quite frankly I deserve better. Ozpin made a mistake.

Ruby began to walk back as she feels she probably let Weiss down and she doesn't deserve to be a leader. I walk out of the corner to much of my surprise, she keeps looking down trying not to let me see her upset.

Ruby: so you heard all of that heh. Do you think she is right? Do you think I'm a terrible leader? Did Ozpin really make a mistake?

Alex: Easy Ruby. Look I may not know Ozpin very well, or if he was right or wrong in choosing you as a leader. But when I saw you out there during the Exam ready to fight, and protect your friends I saw a Great leader. A person who cares about everyone's well-being and safety. Do I think he was wrong? No, I don't. Your a great leader never let anyone tell you diffrent. Not even miss Ice Queen *smirks*

Ruby: Thanks Alex *smiles*. You know your really nice when your not being silent and mysterious. Well we should get back to the others.

Alex: yeah we should. I'm sure Ice queen will come around. Hopefully she understands.

As we continue walking back to the dorm. we notice weiss talking to prof Port.

-----------Time-skip weiss Pov----------------

I return to the dorm in the evening as I see all my teammates already asleep as I notice Ruby has her bed light still on. I check on her as I see that she has been working very hard on her homework.

 I check on her as I see that she has been working very hard on her homework

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Weiss: umm *coughs*

Ruby: Weiss... I was studying and I fell asleep. I'm sorry.

I cover her mouth as to not disturb our sleeping teammates as we begin to whisper softly.

Weiss: How do you take your coffee?

Ruby: I d-don't

Weiss: Answer the question.

Ruby: Ahh Cream and Five sugars

Weiss: ughh din't move... here

Ruby: heh Thanks Weiss

Weiss: Ruby... I think you have what takes to be a good leader. Just know I'll be the best teammate you'll ever have. Good luck studying... Thats wrong by the way. *smiles* Hey Ruby...

Ruby: uh huh

Weiss: I always wanted bunk beds as kids.

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