Ruby Rose

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how you doing people. Sorry this chapter to so long. I completely forgot what happened during the episode of Ruby Rose that I watched it 25 times just so I can integrate it into my brain.  Anyway hope you enjoy this chapter and have a wonderful day ----------------------------------—————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

????: Legends. Stories scattered through time. Mankind has grown quite fond for counting the exploits of heroes and villains. forgetting so easily that we are remnants, bi-products of a forgotten past. Man born form dust was strong ,wise ,and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. an inevitable darkness. Creatures of destruction. The creatures of grim set their sights on man ,and all of his creations. Theses forces clashed and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning mans brief existence to the void. However even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change ,and in time mans passion ,resourcefulness, and ingenuity lead them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately named Dust. Natures wrath in hand man lit their way through the darkness and in the shadow's absence came strength ,civilization , and most importantly Life ,but even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker ,and die, and when they are gone darkness will return.

Through the alley a man in a white coat is followed by a couple men in black suits as he smirks ,and puffs his cigar.

????: so you may prepare your guardians. build your monuments to a so called free world ,but take heed there will be no victory in strength.

The man walks down the street pedestrians avoid standing in front of him as they fear what he may do. He continues to walk when he arrives as a shop called "From Dust Till Dawn."

Man in white coat: but perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you have long forgotten. Things that require smaller more.... honest soul.

The men in the black suits walk in store as they take a quick look at al the dust crystals as the man in the white coat approaches the counter and dusts some ash from his cigar.

Man in the white coat: do you have an idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late

One of the men in the black suit aims his gun at the shopkeeper ,as the shopkeeper raises his arms in fear.

shopkeeper: please just take my lien and leave.

Man in the white coat: shh shh calm down we are not here for your money.

The man in white looks at his men in the suits

Man in white coat: Grab the Dust

The men set a case on the counter as they all pull out canister as they all begin to collect all the dust in the shop.

Men in black suit: Crystals burned uncut.

The shopkeeper reaches into the cabinets as he pulls the crystals out and hands them to the man in the black suit. One of the men in the black suit is about to fill another canister as he see a girl in red across the store. The man frowns and pulls out his weapon

Man in black suit: Alright kid put you hands where I could see them.

The girl doesn't look at Him and continues with read her magazine. The man begins to get irritated as the girl doesn't comply with his orders.

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