Players and Pieces

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well this is the next chapter. As of right now the other book I'm working on is going on a small break until I get out more chapters for this book.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

--------Weiss POV-------------------------

Weiss: Ruby! I told you this was a terrible idea.

Ruby: were fine! Stop worrying!

Weiss: I am so far beyond worrying.

Ruby: In a good way!?

Weiss: in a bad way. A very bad way!

Ruby: well why don't we just jump....

Weiss: what are you.. insane... oh you insufferable little red!

----Alex Pov-------------

Yang: Alex, Blake did you hear that. What should we do?

Blake and I stand side by side as we point in the sky as we see ruby falling from the sky.

Ruby: Heads Upppppppp

Blake: did your sister just fall from the sky.

Yang: I...

We look to the right as we hear a Giant Ursa coming from the forest as it falls and dies as we see another boy follow right behind.

?????: Yeehaw Awww Its broken. Eeeewwww

?????: Nora that Again.

We see the orange haired girl rush past us as she picked up a puzzle piece as she begins to sing

We see the orange haired girl rush past us as she picked up a puzzle piece as she begins to sing

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Nora: I'm queen of the castle, I'm queen of the castle.

Ren: Nora!

Nora: Heehee Coming Ren

Alex: did that girl just come in riding on an Ursa.

Yang: I...

As Yang was about to answer we see a giant deathstalker chasing Pyrhha across the forest as we are just struck with confusion on everything that was happening.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

As we stood there we heard ruby jump down from the tree next to us break our trance.

Yang Ruby!

Ruby: Yang

Nora: Nora!

Alex and Blake: did she run all the way with a Death Stalker on her Tail

I look at blake as we nod and we begin to notice Yang's anger as she explodes into a ball of fury of all the craziness.

Yang: Grghh! I can't take this anymore! Can everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again.

A New Purpose (rwby x male oc reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu