From Shadows (black Trailer)

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This is I guess the first actual chapter I think, but anyway I hope you like it I worked extra hard on it and I hope you enjoy.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

In a clearing in the forest of Forever Fall  a cat Faunus is seen sitting on rock looking at red leaves falling in the forest and a bull Faunus leaning on a tree a few feet away as another Bull Faunus approaches them

????: Blake, Alex ..... Its Time

Alex looked  at the Bull Faunus and nodded as he equipped his mask and walked next to him.

Alex looked  at the Bull Faunus and nodded as he equipped his mask and walked next to him

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(This is your mask it looks like Adams but yours is black)

Blake looked around then back to Alex and the other bull Faunus, and responded.

Blake: ....Ok

     The three got ready as they began to run through the forest before reaching a cliff over looking a train track. In the distance they hear train appearing from behind the mountains as they leap off and began sliding on the edge of the cliff using the momentum to boost themselves onto the train.  At the last moment they drew their Weapons, and drove them through the trains roof holding them steady as they regain their footing. They sheathed their weapons and began running on the roof of the train. upon reaching a hatch Alex quickly broke the lock signaling them to go in first. He looked around before diving inside the train himself.

Around them they see dozens of atlas androids who are automatically activated as they notice the laser tripwires around them have been set off.

Adam: Looks like we'll be doing this the hard way....

         The lights around them flicker as they activate all the androids as they slide their visor into place and surround the three Faunas. They all stand as Alex nods toward Adam ,and gets ready with weapon in hand.

Blake: Don't be so Dramatic

Blake grabs her weapons and  patiently waits till there attack begins. A Android drops down and instantly turns it's arms into Gatling guns and points them at the three Faunus.


       Adam stands up as he pulls the trigger on his weapon blush and shoots his sword wilt at the android's head knocking it back. Adam then dashes forward grabbing his sword mid-air as he slashes the neck and the mid section of the Android as he sheathes his weapon. the robot falls apart behind him.

                   The Androids take a glance at each other before transforming their arms to blades and begin charging Blake and Alex. Two Androids charged Blake but before they could slash her she activates her semblance allowing her to jump back and slash both androids through the chest and destroying them.  Alex and Blake jump back towards Adam covering each others back as Alex cuts three androids advancing on him ,and Adam finishes them off by using blush in its gun form as Blake backflips to evade androids slicing at her.

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