Final Chapter- speechless

Start from the beginning


Now imagine: a building explodes and everyone inside just barely makes it out alive, bursting out the door while screaming and running for dear life.

That's how we looked leaving Jin's house and piling into his parents' van.

"GO GO GO!!!" I yell, shoving myself into the passenger seat. Jin hops in the driver's spot, one hand holding his shoes and the other on the wheel. He had a terrifying look of determination on his face.

"You might want to hold onto something." He says with a grin. This goddamn psychopath-

Without further warning he steps on the accelerator and we all lurch backward and gasp as we speed through the neighborhood.


"YEAH? WELL I'M NOT GOING TO COLLEGE IF I DON'T EVEN MAKE IT TO THE GRADUATION, HEAD ASS! BUCKLE THE FUCK UP!" Jin fires back. All the while Jungkook is living his best life, his entire torso sticking out the window as he screeches joyously, flipping off people who honk at us as we recklessly drive by.

Yup. One amazingly chaotic morning.



"...With that being said, and without further ado, let us begin our graduation ceremony, Class of 20xx!" The audience starts clapping at the end of Principle Choi's introduction speech.

         Me and the guys arrive just on time, stumbling into the stadium as quietly and smoothly as possible.

         Of course, in our case, "quietly and smoothly" means cursing at each other to act natural and walk faster, making a scene while searching for our seats, and last-minute checking our hair on our phone cameras as we move along.

        We finally find our assigned spots and move our separate ways, filing into our seats awkwardly as the first few student names are called, followed by applause and intense cheers from their families. I look around the student faces, but our senior class is huge, and I can't find Ji-won. I smile to myself, thinking about all the honors I know she would soon receive. I'll scream at the top of my lungs for her when she gets called.

         I never really thought much about graduating. Last year I almost didn't think I would. Now, however, since it's actually happening, a genuine nervous feeling settles over me. I feel butterflies in my stomach and a rare lump in my throat, impossible to swallow down. Is it possible that I'll actually miss this school, after I've hated it so passionately for years?

          I haven't hated it this year, though. Ji-won changed everything for me. I smile to myself again, as I do every time she comes to my mind. It's refreshing to have someone simply bring you happiness, out of everything that can bring you down in the world. I need her more than she knows.

       Since the students are being called in alphabetical order by last name, I'll be the first out of our friend group to be called. As the names begin inching closer to Jeon, my palms begin sweating profusely. My leg starts bouncing. My heart picks up its pace.

"Jeon Jungkook." Announces Principle Choi.

The entire stadium erupts into applause. I shakily stand up from my seat, but cover up my nerves with a winning smile. I walk as confidently as I can over to the stage. The screams are beautifully deafening. I think the entire senior class has cheered the loudest for me, which I'll admit makes me feel pretty accomplished. My old hoes are all over the stadium screaming and jumping and waving at me, yelling congrats and flirtatious comments as I pass by. I cringe but chuckle and wave back to everyone. All my boys are the main portion of the noise, yelling out their deep and passionate cheers. Taehyung and Jimin stand on top of their chairs and scream for me at the top of their lungs, Jin blows me kisses, Namjoon pretends to cry, and Yoongi and Haru hype things up by beginning a chant throughout our entire grade saying "JEON JUNGKOOK". Even though Hoseok is the only normal one, he catches my eye. He applauds for me enthusiastically with a broad, genuine smile.

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