Chapter 35- cold and fake

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              I finally started to really work on it. I worked on fixing things and I didn't set them aside. I was done being the liar.

             That's not to say it's been easy. For the first week of January, I wasn't trying hard enough to drop all the flirting and switching around, but at least Jungkook and Hoseok never really mentioned anything about romantics. I knew I wasn't going to get anywhere that way- if I continued to let Jungkook tease me in ways that gave me goosebumps and and reply with flirty statements and let him back me into walls or lean in really close. I can't lead Hobi on by giving mysterious, in-solid responses when he mentions anything about him liking me, I can't cuddle with him all the time, and I definitely can't kiss back. My mind wanders to the car...

          Even though I had been drunk, I honestly probably would've done the exact same thing if I was sober. Shame on me, then.

            It's Monday, starting the second week of January, and this time I'm really going to change the way I act. I'm staying true to what I've promised myself.

             8th period ends, and I wait for Hobi at the door. He finishes packing up and jogs to me, and we start walking out, just talking.

             He's laughing while telling me about something dumb that happened during 4th period, and I'm glad that it feels normal. No matter how much we go through we're still gonna be best friends, I feel like it's literally impossible to feel awkward around him. There's a lot of comfort in knowing that.

             But when we're laughing and he tries to put his arm around me while he says something, I automatically flinch and move to stand in front of him, walking backwards while continuing to talk. I think he noticed that I avoided the simple gesture but thankfully he doesn't say anything.

             Jungkook jogs to catch up to us and greets us both. We walk together for a minute or two before the turn to Hoseok's house comes, and we say bye, going our separate ways. Me and Jungkook chat while we walk to my house, but I'll admit I'm lacking in the conversation. It makes me feel bad but what else can I do if I want this to work?

              We get to my house, and my parents are still at work. Jungkook makes his way into my kitchen, opening the pantry and getting some cookies, then the fridge and helping himself to a coke, before we began making our way upstairs. Even though it's something I didn't usually address, I cleared my throat.

             "You know, you could start asking before you take food. That'd be polite." I said.

            He stops in his tracks and stops chewing his cookie to look at me, with a confused expression. Then, after a moment of silence, he cracks into a smile and laughs, continuing to walk to my room. He thought I was joking.

              We get there and I leave the door open, though I usually close it. It doesn't really make a difference, since my parents aren't home either way, but it does leave a small, simple message. One that he noticed. He eyed the door for a few moments, but didn't say anything before sitting in his chair.

              I instantly took out the textbooks, and got to the part that we needed to work on.

           "You want some?" He asked, holding the coke out to me. I shook my head.

            "No thanks, sharing saliva is kinda insanitary." I reply simply. Was I being too formal? Not flirting doesn't really mean stop being friends...

             He smirked. "As if we haven't done that before." And with a singsong voice he adds "You liked it anywayyy,"

             "Let's start with Science." I say, completely changing the subject. He chuckles and nods, rolling closer to me so that we shared my desk.

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