Chapter 25- a confession

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         Me and Hobi finished horse hunting pretty quickly, and when we got back home it was only around 2 pm.

        Today was another day to spend time with the family, since tomorrow we'd be heading back home. However, in the evening, we were going to go make a bonfire with some good neighbor friends in a clearing, not far from a lake. I couldn't wait, since there would be good barbecue and we'd be lighting fireworks, for no specific reason.

          When 8 pm came rolling by, we put all of the supplies and food into the trunk and drove to the clearing in the woods where we would have or little reunion celebration. The neighbors arrived soon after us and helped prepare everything. Me and Hoseok played with my little cousins while the adults worked- we had the easy task.

          By 9, everything was ready. The sun had already set, and stars began taking their places in the dark sky. My mom called for everyone to gather around our giant pile of fire wood. Once everyone was present and paying attention in complete silence, she threw the match on the wood, igniting a big, bright fire. Everyone cheered and hugged each other, like it was Christmas or something. I didn't mind, I felt very at home.

         For the first while everyone sat around the fire and we all had a big, nice group conversation. We got served a lot of food, which was so damn good I thought it could've come from heaven itself- and we ate, spending a lot of quality time together.

         But you can only spend so much quality time before getting bored. We'd been there for a while already, it was 10:20.

         I was smiling and making conversation with my little cousin, talking about some sort of kid show she was obsessing over, before Hoseok saved me.

         "I'm not feeling well Jia, I'm really sorry, I need Ji-won to come with me back home so I can rest a little bit. I'll see you again later, so don't worry." He said, smiling.

        She didn't argue or complain to him at all, just nodded and trotted away. As simply as that, with a quick nod to my mom that we were slipping away, he grabbed my hand and dragged me along.

         As we walked through some trees, I asked "Are we really going back home?", actually enjoying the nature.

         He turned and looked at me. "What's the fun in that?"

        I grinned and didn't question him further, letting him guide me through the trees. It didn't take long for us to arrive at another clearing, the trees making way for a calm stream coursing through the ground. At this time of night, stars spread across the sky, dark green and blue on the landscape in front of me- I don't think I've ever seen something so simply beautiful.

          I took in the view. "This is so pretty, how did you know where it was?" I asked. I noticed he was still holding my hand.

          "You know your mom loves me, all I had to do was ask." He replied with a chuckle. Then, he walked closer to the water, sitting down only a few feet away from it. He tugged my hand, and I sat down in front of him, between his legs and leaning against him for some warmth. Just as good as the fire. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we sat there in a perfect silence, just relaxing and gazing off into the night.

           "Let's pick a star." He said, looking upward. I followed his sight line and looked around through the tiny stars, seeing which one was the best.

        I pointed up at a big one next to the moon. It really caught my eye. "I like that one."

        "Yeah, me too." He replied, although now he was staring at me, not the sky.

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