Chapter 28- was this a date?

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"Ready!!" I say, getting in position.

"Set..." Ji-won continues, cracking her neck.

"GO!" We yell at the same time. And then we're sprinting like our lives depend on it.

I've got her by around 5 feet within the first 3 seconds, but as we continue she catches up to 3 feet behind me. I'm surprised she can keep up this much.

I can feel my heart beating harshly, and sharp winds rush by me as I lean forward to gain speed. People must be staring like we're two crazy, reckless teens. Let 'em stare.

Ji-won lets out a yell of determination, panting hard, and I laugh at how aggressive she sounds.

Suddenly, she runs off the road into the forestry on the left side. I watch in confusion as she speeds out of sight, but it quickly dawns on me. She's taking a shortcut.

I don't waste any time and run into the right side of the forestry, using the same trick. I refuse to pay for the coffee, it's really overpriced here.

It's actually more difficult to get through all these trees, and I'm afraid I'm slowing down. Fortunately, I see the Namsan tower in the close distance through the trees. Almost there. I'm breathing as if someone is suffocating me.

Finally, I jump the last three feet, and practically slam against the tower. I gulp for air and smile. "I won!" I call out, even though Ji-won isn't here yet.

"Not so much." Someone suddenly says to my left. My eyes widen as I look up, and there's Ji-won, casually leaning against the tower with her arms crossed.

I scoff in disbelief. "W-when did you get here?" I ask in between gasps.

"Like 2 seconds before you did." She laughed, and I then noticed she was also panting. I groaned, leaning against the tower too. "I hope the coffee is expensive." She teases with a smile.

I flick her off before putting my arm around her and begin walking along, slowly to regain our energy.

She sighs exaggeratedly. "It's so hot."

I smile. "Told you it'd work."

We make our way into the nearest little coffee place. I buy two hot caramel macchiatos, since by the time they're ready we're both cold again.

We explore the area for a while, just talking and laughing a lot as usual. It's really nice, what we have. I'm having a good time, but in the back of my mind I can't help but wonder, is this a date?

Me being the pussy I am didn't literally ask her out. I mean, I'm not usually a pussy, I usually won't even wait very long to ask someone out. Ji-won is so different though, because I've never liked someone this much. Not even Sana, and I had a crush on her for a really long time. And yet things changed so quickly.

So instead of asking her out, I just dragged her out. That counts too, right?

I see the air cable car building in the near distance, and smile. I nudge Ji-won and nod in that direction. "You wanna go?"

"Wait, really? I've never done one of those before."

I grab her arm and start dragging her along. "Then you have no choice." I state. She doesn't complain, so I'll take it that she's excited.

There's a relatively short line, and it only takes a couple minutes till we can get into one. She has goosebumps, maybe nervous from the height, so I make sure to stay close to her.

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