Chapter 24- who took off my clothes??

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        How had things gone so wrong so quickly?

        One minute we were having fun, and the next it was raining, and now I'm alone, desperately looking through the intensifying storm for Ji-won.

        I know how scared she is of storms, her worst fear of all, and I can't even come close to imagining how she must feel right now. A panic spread through my whole body, such adrenaline, I needed to get to her fast.

         I rode through the forestry, trying to go in the direction I remember Rapmon running off in, but it continuously became more difficult to see and comprehend what to do. If you want to find her, stay fucking calm.

          After the longest 12 minutes of my life, I finally saw a figure on the ground. I was completely soaked and freezing, my vision blurry from all the water in my eyes. But the second I saw her, lying on the ground unmoving, all of that practically disappeared and was replaced with my soul goal to help her.

          I hopped off my horse and ran to her, kneeling down and moving hair out her face, panting rapidly. She didn't seem hurt, thankfully just some bruises. She was unconscious though, and I needed to get her somewhere warm quickly. Her horse was nowhere to be seen, but that was a problem for another time.

         I picked her up and gently sat her on Holly, her torso resting on the horse's neck, her arms dangling off the sides. I sat behind her, one hand on the reigns and he other holding her and making sure she didn't fall.

        It was another 6 or 7 minutes before I finally found the cabin, utterly exhausted and freezing. I first brought Holly back to her stable, then piggybacked Ji-won to the house. I practically collapsed when I got inside, but before I could rest I knew I had to help her, despite how exhausted I was.

I brought her to our room and laid her on the bed, deciding that I first needed to get her out of her soaked clothes. As selfish a thought it was, I prayed she didn't wake up right now.

         I hesitantly pulled off her romper, exposing her wet and bruised skin. Her thin underwear was a soaked mess as well, and I could see more than she would ever allow. I couldn't stop the heat flushing to my face, seeing her so exposed and helpless.

        I grabbed a towel from the bathroom and started to gently dry her off. I rubbed it against her arms, stomach, neck and chest, thighs...

        As much as I was trying not to be a pervert, I couldn't stop myself from looking at her, and thinking bad things, feeling guilty afterward. How could I be so insensitive at a time like this?

I walked away from my thoughts and over to her suitcase. I tried to open it, but it didn't work, remembering that hers had a lock on it. Cursing under my breath, I got a big shirt of mine and pulled it over, not having any bottoms that would fit. I then tucked her under the covers, wanting her to feel warm and safe.

When I finally tried to call my parents, there was no service. This storm was one hell of a bitch.

I paced around the room, thinking, and glancing and Ji-won many times. I decided before I could shower and change, I need to dry her hair to. I got a small towel from the bathroom, and sat down beside her on the mattress. I rubbed the towel against her hair, doing my best to dry it like this. After trying for a while, it was still too damp, and I cursed our stupid decisions to not bring a hair dryer.

I finally took a very short, very hot shower and changed into some pjs before going back to check on Ji-won. Still not awake, but she finally looked warm and dry at the least. I sighed, feeling pained to imagine how terrified she probably was. I wish I could've done more to help, but I felt so useless at the moment.

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