Chapter 23- storm

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"You've grown so much! Practically a foot taller!!" Ji-won's grandmother exclaimed, gasping and putting a hand over her heart dramatically before embracing her in a hug that looked painfully tight. Little does she realize that Ji-won had only grown around 2 inches in all of high school, and the last time she came to see us was sophomore year.

"It's great to see you too! We've missed you so much." She said, attempting to hug her back even though her arms were stuck in her hug. Her grandma finally pulled away and started gawking at me.

"And this scrawny boy has grown to be a mature man!! How lovely!" She said, pulling me in too. I chuckled awkwardly.

After a chaotic reunion, me And Ji-won went out to explore, not really remembering what the house looked like. We hadn't been to this place since we were in elementary school.

It was actually really nice, lots of windows and light, wooden floors and walls. A contemporary rustic kind of house. Since there were so many people staying here, we were conveniently left with sharing a room.

The second we walked in, Ji-won gasped and smiled widely.

"Oh my god, they redecorated!" She exclaimed, running to the window, which took up almost the whole wall. There were such cute decorations, it looked like something out of hgtv. I guess they had a lot of retirement money.

"Wow, it really is. Only one mattress though, what are we gonna do??" I asked sarcastically.

        "I don't know, we can't possibly sleep on the same bed though! I guess you get the floor." She replied, smirking. I scoffed, looking offended.

        "What did you just say?" I asked, taking a step closer to her on the other side of the room.

        "I said you get the floor. And I'll sleep comfortably on those fluffy sheets."

        "You think I'm taking the floor?" I said with a grin, walking all the way to her and starting to tickle her stomach as she squealed. "Huh? The floor?"

       "I was joking!" She exclaimed, struggling to speak through her laughter as she bent over to try to stop me. We giggled as I tickled the breath out of her.

       She started fighting back, targeting my neck, my weakest spot. We got into a fit, so before it could continue, I scooped her up in my arms. She yelped cutely, a flush washing over her cheeks from smiling so much.

         She tried to get out of my trap, and I held her tightly. I then I dropped her on the bed along with myself. We continued tickling each other in a playful war, now tackling a little on the mattress.

          Finally we stopped, too tired to continue. My cheeks hurt, but I was in too good a mood to notice. We flopped down on the bed, just laying there and regaining our breath.

          Just then her grandpa walked in.

         He looked like he was gonna say something, then gasped when he saw us. I mean, I can imagine what was playing out in his head. Our clothes were messy now, our faces red, panting, laying on the sheets- not a good image.

         "What do you two think your up to?" He asked, looking shocked. Ji-won and I shot up into sitting positions.

        "Nothing! Oh my god, we were just messing around." She stammered quickly.

       "How so?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, not looking convinced.

       "Tickling! And tackling! Jesus, you're mind should be on other things at your age." She said, blushing more.

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