Chapter 8- unusual casuality

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"Annndddd.... GO!!"

Jungkook didn't waste a second before starting to work on the problem. He still failed his math test last time, but just barely at a 69%, which is an improvement at least. I insist that even though the unit is over, we can't continue till he really understands. So far, he's barely been able to complete a problem in the time limit, and if he does the answer is wrong. I've explained it so many times, how could this still be difficult?

Suddenly, he shouts "I'm done!!"

He smacks the paper in my lap. I'm in shock. "You finished with a whole minute to spare??" He smiles proudly as he waits for me to check it.

I look through his steps, somehow managing to read his shitty handwriting. I go through the whole thing, and the answer.... No, this can't be...

"So? Is it wrong?" Jungkook asks, expected me to say yes. I hush him and check over it again.

My head snaps up and I look him dead in the eye, a wide grin making its way to my lips. "It's right!"

He stares back at me with a blank expression. "It's right??"

"IT'S RIGHT!!" I squeal. Jungkook gasps and jumps up and starts screaming in his accomplishment, sort of like Hoseok had been when he beat me during video games. I stand up too and applaud loudly, proud of his efforts and my teaching. I laugh at how excited he is.

Suddenly, my door swings open and I see Hobi. "I brought- oh wow!" He says when he sees Jungkook screaming like an idiot and me beaming proudly while yelling congratulations.

Jungkook turns to see Hoseok at the door, screams louder, runs to him, and jumps. He wraps his arms around J-Hope's neck and his legs around his waist. "I GOT THE ANSWER RIGHT AND I DID IT WITHIN THE TIME PERIOD!!!!!!"

Hoseok gasps, knowing how stupid Jungkook is and what an unusual phenomenon this is. "FOR REAL?! THAT'S SO GREAT!" He yells, hugging Jungkook back. They both look so stupid, clinging to each other with wide smiles, spinning in circles and jumping and screaming. I double over laughing at the scene.

Suddenly my mom walks into my room too. "What in the world is going on?!" She yells over us. We all instantly shut up and Hobi drops Jungkook like he was a sack of potatoes. Even though falling on his ass must've been painful, we all pull straight and serious faces.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Song." Hoseok and Jungkook say at the exact same time, which makes me stifle more laughter.

There's a few moments of silence as my mother just stares us down. When we thought we were in trouble, she cracks a smile. "I'll get your father out of the house so you can scream all you want." She says with a wink before walking out, closing the door. Of course, my mom loves it when I am having fun. Even though she strongly believes in education, she's always telling me to live a little. The second the door closes, we're all laughing again.

Is it weird that I've been enjoying myself while tutoring?

Once we die down and recover, I sit on my bed while the two boys get comfortable on my floor. "Anyway, what I was saying before, I brought food." He says, picking up a large brown paper bag on the floor he must've dropped when Jungkook jumped on him. Jungkook was already reaching for it when Hobi spoke again. "I didn't know you would be here, so I only brought enough for two people." Jungkook was about to start whining before Hoseok looked to me with a smirk. "I guess Ji-won will have to starve."

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