Are you jealous? Part 2.

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Chandler is lowkey thicc

Jimmy's p.o.v

"What the hell happened on that mountain"? Chris faces me, before glancing towards the backseat of the truck where Chandler sits, arms crossed over his chest, and a warning glare across his face. Chris was bound to notice the change in atmosphere eventually, seeing as rather than screaming at eachother, we sit in an uncomfortable and tense silence. "Seriously. You guys are freaking me out". Even during the three hour hike back down the mountain, every time Chandler would accidentally bump into me, we would both mumble an apology and quickly separate from each other.

"What? You didn't want us fighting. We're not fighting", Chandler snaps, kicking the back of Chris' seat.

"Okay, fine", Chris laughs, throwing a water bottle at Chandler making him flinch as he quickly catches it in the air. "Thanks, I guess".

Chandler mumbles something under his breath and looks in my direction, watching me intently through the side mirror of the truck. "We're actually hanging out when we get back", I say in Chris' direction, keeping my voice level, and refraining from shifting all together. Chandler's eyes narrow, still watching me, and he crinkles his nose in distaste. We need to talk about what happened. Preferably alone.

"I would ask to hang with you guys, but it's been a while since me and Katie have had any time together".

"It's been three days, Chris", Chandler mumbles, rolling his eyes. He is constantly so sour and pessimistic about life, the complete opposite of Chris, so really, I have absolutely no idea how they get along so well.

"That's way to long for me", he smiles to himself, anxious to get to her apartment and see her again. I strive to have a relationship like theirs. Pure, actual love. Missing each other's presence even after the shortest of times apart, and never getting bored of the other; there is something so beautiful in not having to impress each other or go out every night. Just staying in, watching tv and eating pizza rolls for dinner, content with being themselves and not having to pretend to be anyone else.

It doesn't take long before we're at my apartment, and Chris is kicking us out of his truck so he can hurry up and get to Katie's place.

"Okay, what the hell. my house is like an hour from here and now I have to get an Uber. You're paying for it", chandler snaps now being alone with me.

"Shut up, you idiot", I sigh, annoyed with how he quickly pulls out his phone to get someone to pick him up.

"Screw you, alright. You're such a freaking-", he pauses, shaking his head and continues staring down at his phone, obviously not wanting to argue with me, but arguing is much easier to handle than an uncomfortable silence. "You know what"?

I raise my eyebrows expecting to get a mixture of curse words and insults but he just turns around and starts walking away.

"Where the hell are you going? I told Chris we were hanging out so we could talk about what happened".

"Nothing happened. So There's nothing to talk about".

"Something obviously happened or right now, you would be sitting on my couch eating my food, not practically running away from me".

"I obviously don't like being around you, dipshit", he growls still walking in the opposite direction of the apartment.

"Yeah, but you know that I absolutely HATE being around you. So you'd stay just to piss me off", I grab his shoulder, jerking him around to face me.

"Why do you drag me to your place just to tell me how much you hate me", he barks, raising his voice and taking a step towards me. I flinch back at the sharpness of his tone, but quickly stiffen adamantly and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why are you acting so damn weird all of a sudden"? I take a step forward this time, showing that he isn't going to win this fight. His face is sharp like stone, his gaze sharper as he glares at me, eyes piercing into mine with an intense vulnerability that made my stomach hurt with guilt.

"I'm not. you still hate me. Nothing has changed". I can't help but to notice that he has never said that he hated me. Not even once. Ever since I've known him, I have told him how much he bugs me and how much I hate him, but he always just smiled at me, or had a sarcastic remark under the surface ready to fuel the fire behind my eyes.

"You hate me, to. Don't make me out to be the bad guy".

"I never hated you". He sounds more sincere than I've ever heard him be before through the entire eight months that I've known him.


"You confuse me, and annoy me to no end. But I've never hated you".

"I confuse you? I think I've made it pretty clear how I feel".

He grabs the collar of my shirt, pulling me close to him as he grits his teeth in annoyance, and burning rage. "Look. There is nothing to talk about. Just, leave me alone". He lets go of me, and once again turns around.

"You can't keep running from every little problem", I shout after him, making him halt his movements. "I mean, honestly. Chris tells me things about you. About how you ran away from home. How many times did you run away? Was it three times? Yeah, I think it was". I can already tell I shouldn't have said anything, but my words drip with sarcasm and mockery, it being far too late to turn back now. He turns around and walks back to me, and I instinctively take a step back, trying to create as much distance between us just in case he decides to try to hit me. His eyes are filled with angry tears, threatening to spill, the white of his eyes already red and bloodshot from attempting to hold his emotions back. A vein in his forehead pulses with each breath, and I stay silent, not necessarily wanting to be the cause of this sudden lapse of pain. He sniffles quietly, shoving me backwards and quickly wipes his eyes with the sleeves of his shirt. I shouldn't have pulled such a sensitive topic out of nowhere so quickly. Whatever happened between him and his family was none of my business, and obviously it was nothing good, because other than the fact that he had ran away, I couldn't get anything else out of Chris.

"Chris wouldn't have started running his mouth unless you asked. So, tell me this, asshole. Why were you asking about me"? His voice wavered through the tears, but he did bring up a valid point. I bring him up a lot when I'm alone with Chris. I don't know what exactly I have been trying to figure out, but it must be something considering how often Chandler's name leaves my lips. I open my mouth to speak, but choke back a stutter attempting to form words due to how fast he spit accusations at me. "That's what I thought".

"I don't trust you". That is the only valid excuse for me to give right now, and he just rolls his eyes in response.

"Piss off".

"Just, why? Answer that! Why do you always have to challenge everything I do and say"!

"Because Chris is the first person in my life who ever just accepted me! And you want nothing more than to take that away from me"! I don't know how to reply to the sudden bout of honesty, so I just sit in a stunned silence. "I fucking can't stand being hated by you. You'd think that I'd be used to that by now, but I'm not. I know I'm fucked up, but guess what. Chris tells me about you to".

He turns around again, and this time, I don't stop him.

Days turned into weeks after that conversation, and oddly enough, the burning hatred I had previously felt for him slowly diminished into toleration. We became civil to each other, and then easily managed being in the same room with each other. Hopefully, later down the line, we can get completely past our rough start, but for now. I'm okay with where we are.


And voila. A lazy ending, but I kind of enjoy writing arguments for some reason lol, hope you guys liked it :) Much love Oh and my job is really fun, but kind of kicking my ass stress and time wise so once again, I'm sorry for late updates and I'm afraid that they're gonna be late more frequently :(

Mr Beast One Shots Boy x BoyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon