Ever think about me?

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Disclaimer : A hella lot of smut 😏

I get nervous posting smut because I don't write it very often so I'm not that great at it, please be nice in the comments lol

Chris's p.o.v

"You're getting sand everywhere", Jimmy complains, kicking at Chandler's foot before he can get all the way in the car, earning a half-hearted glare in return.

Chandler didn't have the greatest time in the desert, despite my best efforts to make him even the slightest bit more comfortable. I set up his tent for him, cooked his food; even when he ended up eating the majority of the food within the first six hours, He seemed to not be quite out of his whining stage. I also ended up giving him the last bit of my water on the walk back to the car, seeing as his cheeks were slightly red, and his lips dry.

"We spent twenty four hours in the freaking desert, and I have sand in unholy places. I am practically made out of sand by now. Stop with the complaining"! He snaps, crawling over Jimmy's lap to plop down beside me, his leg pressing hard against mine.

I have been with the guys every night for almost a month, which means that I sadly haven't gotten hardly any alone time. I mean, give me a break. I'm in my twenties, the horniest I'll ever be. You would think with how easily I've been getting excited that I haven't had sex in months rather than a mere three and a half weeks. Hell, I feel like I'm fifteen and just hitting puberty again, getting a boner in the middle of random conversations, and it taking ages to go away. It's humiliating at best.

Garrett begs us to stop to get coffee because literally why else would we stop. It's hot. We are sweating and covered in dirt. The only stop we could possibly make before going to take a shower is to starbucks. Considering I'm not a big fan of coffee, I settle with a cold bottle of water instead, hoping to keep my mind off of the heat coming from Chandler's leg, skin warm against the fabric of my jeans.

Chander gets his and without hesitation, he pops the lid off, and dips his finger into the whipped cream. As he sticks his finger into his mouth, a bit of the iced drink spills over the brim and drips down the side of his cup. I watch intently as he lowers his head, slowly drawing his tongue from the bottom of the cup all the way to the top, the condensation from the cold causing a drop of water to trickle down his chin. My breath hitches in my throat at the sight, and it takes all that I have in me to keep myself from inching closer to memorize every detail of his skin. He licks his lips in content, using the pad of his thumb to brush the water off of his face.

I exhale sharply, and quietly clear my throat, begging that the ride to the hotel is a short one. Luckily, he doesn't notice the way I keep clenching and unclenching my fists in frustration and rather starts up a conversation with Jake. I slightly spread my legs attempting to get some room so there is less friction against my growing hard on, cursing myself for not just walking far enough away from the campsite to do what needed to be done without being interrupted. I breath deeply through my nose, resting the back of my head against the seat, and spreading my legs even further apart.

"You're taking up my space, dude. I mean, how much room do you need". Chandler grabs my knee, pushing my legs back together roughly, causing my jeans to pull across my member. I bite my lip to keep from whimpering before punching him in the arm.

"Don't do that", I gasp, trying my hardest to not be as obvious as I know I'm being.

He winces slightly, rubbing where my fist made contact. "Now now, Chris. Don't get all aggressive on me".

I roll my eyes at him as he turns back around to continue his conversation, and almost immediately as his eyes are off of me, I press the cold bottle against my lower half, hoping to calm down even a little.

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