At the Breakfast Table Part 1.

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Chandler's p.o.v

I walk up behind Jimmy as he stands over the stove. Being a bit taller than him, I peer over his shoulder easily and laugh quietly to myself. "Cream of wheat, seriously"?

"What"? He asks, tapping the spoon against the pot to get the excess food off before setting it down on the counter and turning around to face me, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Oh it's nothing", I pause, and playfully bump my shoulder against his. "It's just, I stopped eating this when I was seven".

"Hey c'mon, my Crohn's was flaring up when I bought it", he laughs, turning back around to continue to stir the porridge type food.

"Regular corn flakes are just as safe", I chuckle, leaning against the counter to watch him. He is wearing a pair of grey sweats, and a t-shirt that hugs at his hips nicely. His hair is messy and disheveled, sticking up in places that are normally brushed down, causing a smile to form on my face. I love it when he looks this soft. Especially when I am the one who gets to wake him up in the overcast mornings. When the dark clouds are covering the sun, so there is barely any outside light in his dark room. Just the Christmas lights he keeps lit up around his bed. It makes everything look gentle and quiet. 

"Cream of wheat is delicious, you can't convince me otherwise. And why do you know the breakfasts safe for Crohn's", he asks looking rather amused, but not meeting my gaze.

I roll my eyes and stick a spoonful of the creamy mush into my mouth directly from the pot. I don't really want to tell him that when I first found out that he had it, I did some extensive research. The ins and outs. What to do when it flares up, and how to tell when I need to take him to the hospital if the time ever comes. He scoffs, using his elbow to push me away from the stove and closer to the table. "Wait till it's done".

"Okay okay", I mumble, taking a seat, brushing my fingers through my hair to keep it from falling into my eyes. 

"What did you end up doing last night"? He asks, not yet turning around. Last night was the first night of many that I'll be staying with him. There was a major leaking problem at my house, and it soaked all of my furniture and practically destroyed my ceiling. Rather than giving my dad a heart attack and telling him that I am moving back in with him, I decided to ask Jimmy if I could stay with him until everything is repaired.

"Just ended up watching a movie". He just nods, stirring the food a minute longer before turning off the heat. I watch as he fills two bowls, One to the very brim, and the other barely halfway. He hands me the full one and plops into the chair beside mine with his bowl in hand. "Tired"? I raise an eyebrow at him curiously.

"Always", he laughs, but it was the kind of laugh that lacked any humor whatsoever. 

"You sleep okay"?

"Yeah. It's just that I've been on this new stuff". He pauses, lifting his shirt to show the red and slightly inflamed area on his hip, where there are multiple needle marks. "And the doctors said it will probably take a little while for it to start to kick in without fighting with the other stuff I was using before. The main problem is that I have to get it once a week for about three months in small dosages so my body will absorb it without fighting it off or getting used to it". 

"Dude, that sucks". I absentmindedly lean forward, brushing my thumb lightly over his hip, barely making contact so as to not push down too hard in case it is sore. 

"I know", he laughs, nodding his head, his shirt still lifted so I can keep my hand on his side. 

After a moment, I clear my throat, pulling back, and continue to eat far too much of the soup like breakfast. 

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