After the Party

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Wassup my friends, I moved this further down rather than it being the first one people read because I feel as this was a little too "wow ok" and understandably rubbed a lot of people the wrong way lol it comes off alot more questionable than I intended. Like alot more

Warning: A bit of smut 

Chris's p.o.v

Chandler is well beyond wasted, and yelling loud enough to wake the entire neighborhood. As he goes to grab yet another drink from the kitchen I step in front of him, blocking his path. "Chandler, hey. Why don't we get you upstairs".

I set down my cup that I have refilled multiple times tonight, and attempt to take his away as well. "No way, man! I'm not going up there alone", he lifts his arm in defiance, spilling his empty cup of ice on the floor, the ice scattering and grabbing his attention immediately.

"I'm gonna go with you", I roll my eyes and wrap my arm around his shoulders, directing him to the stairs so we can head to my room, and hopefully get him to wind down a little. Jake and Garrett lean against the counter, snickering and giggling while watching me try to fight with him, and attempt to keep the rest of the houses noise at a moderate level. "You'd think with how tall he is, he would be able to hold his alcohol better", Bailey laughs, joining them at the table. 

"Nah, he's a lightweight", Jake shakes his head almost as if disappointed about it.

"True, but he's also a freaking fountain. He pees all of the time. I'd assume he'd flush it out of his system almost immediately", Garrett adds in.

"That's really helpful, guys, thanks". I push Chandler roughly, and he throws his hands up in the air, before crossing them over his chest. 

"Fine fine fine. I'm going ", he sighs overdramatically, and sullenly begins his walk upstairs. I rest my hands on his shoulders just in case he tries to make a quick getaway, and turn him towards my room. 

"Alright", I mumble, slightly annoyed from earlier and closing the door behind us when we finally get inside. Chandler lays on the floor beside the bed, his arms crossed limply over his face, and his chest rises and falls slowly as he breathes, almost making it look like he's asleep. I contemplate for a moment whether I want to try to get him into bed or to just leave him there. I sit down on the edge of the bed, and stare down at him, filling my cheeks with air and then letting it go repeatedly, not really knowing what to do. He leans up, eyes half-closed, crawling towards me on his hands and knees before stopping in front of me, and laying his head down beside my thigh. I lift my hand and mindlessly run my fingers through his hair, scratching the back of his neck soothingly, him staring up at me with his big, brown eyes, all bloodshot from drinking. He looks smaller than he normally does. Younger.

He uses his pointer finger to start to skim over my knee, slowly bringing his whole hand down to lay against my leg. "Whatcha doin there, Chan", I mumble nervously as he slides his hand further up my leg.

"C'mon. please"? He says, his voice slightly slurred and quiet. Much quieter than earlier.

"Um, I'm thinking not". I push his hand away and scoot backward on the bed until my back is pressed against the headboard, knowing exactly what he's wanting. He stares at me for a second, still on the floor, before climbing up onto the bed as well. 


"Because you'd never want to do this sober. I don't want to take advantage of you". I roll my eyes again. He is the only one out of our group who knows I'm bisexual. Figures that his drunk self would want to try to play on that.

"You're not". He pouts his bottom lip at me, dropping his chin, and turning his head to the side like a begging puppy.

"I'm not touching you, Chan", I deadpan, looking out the window and to the ceiling. Really anywhere but at him. He knows that I can't say no to him when he looks at me like that, considering I have bought him loads of pizzas and snacks because of that look alone.

Mr Beast One Shots Boy x Boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن