An unexpected challenge

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I saw that someone else had used chrimmy as the ship name so I'm going for it whether it's the real deal or not lol

"Twenty four hours straight underwater"! I exclaim happily, holding a large, plastic bucket on top of my head.

"Yes, because that sounds safe", Chris jokes shaking his head, confusion evident on his face and laced around his words.

"You may be thinking. 'Wow, Jimmy. That's crazy. Impossible, actually'. But it is not. Because I bought... This"! I motion my arms wildly for dramatic effect.

"A bucket". Chris deadpans, nearing me, and pulling it off of my head, making my hair fall into my eyes.

"No", I pause, pushing my bangs out of the way before turning around and motioning to a large machine with tubes poking out of all different holes. "An oxygen machine. We'll put the bucket underwater, and pump the air into it so I can breathe". I rest my hands on my hips as I stare at the machine proudly. "Literally, nothing can go wrong... Except of course, if it does".

"Well. I can't argue with that logic", he shakes his head, an amused grin on his face, giving me the bucket, so he and Jake can carry the machine out from the garage and set it beside the pool. Once we weigh the bucket down with a load of five-gallon buckets filled with cement, Chris watches me get into my wetsuit. The first time that I put one on alone, I had gotten very stuck and couldn't get it even half way on. I am able to pull the pant legs over my shorts and pull the sleeves over my arms before I actually need help. The long, rope handle that is usually attached to the zipper broke off the last time that I wore it.

"Chris", I get his attention, and he nears me. I turn my back towards him, stepping backward and motioning to the zipper as best I could. He grabs the back of my suit, fingers lightly pressing against the small of my back to get a bit of extra pull so he can zip it up.

"Your butt looks good in this", he jokes making me roll my eyes as he pulls the zipper all the way up. I can feel it crawl up my back, and I'm ninety percent sure that he is pressing a little harder than necessary just to send chills down my spine with the contact.


"No, really. Very snug". I push him slightly while groaning, making him laugh and ruffle my hair, messing it up yet again. Sometimes I feel like he legitimately enjoys seeing me continuously having to fix my bangs. He watches me as I drag my fingers through my hair again, his eyes darting from my hand to my face and back to my hand, biting his lip nervously, before shaking his head as if snapping him out of some sort of trance. He grabs the camera that he had set down to help me and presses record, raising his eyebrows to signal me to start talking. He is most likely attempting to casually move past that slightly tense moment, but rather than questioning him about it, I take the opportunity. I begin explaining what challenge I'm doing to the camera, walking out to the pool while I talk, trying not to focus on the fact that Chris has been kind of quiet around me lately.

He hands the camera off to Tyler, brushing past me to get to the pool, his hand gliding across my lower back as he does so. I blush slightly, playing with the sleeve of my wetsuit, feeling smaller despite my towering height. He is the only person whose touch gets me this giddy. He's the only person who can literally make my mind go blank when I see him.

He slowly pulls his shirt over his head, a playful smile on his lips. I've seen that smile on him before. Eagerness maybe? I watch intently as he moves, stepping into the pool, and letting his hands float peacefully on the surface of the water. They look like leaves. Weightless and just following wherever the water takes them. He finally goes under with the oxygen tube, and stays there for a moment, making sure the bucket has plenty of air and room for me to breath before coming back up. I follow him in shortly after, dipping my head under, and officially starting the twenty-four hours.

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