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Two year later

Brie's POV

As the sun shinned in through the windows of our home, I slowly stretched out my ligaments and yawned. I was expecting my stretched arms to hit against my husband but felt nothing. Once opening my eyes I looked around." Babe?!" I said out loud wondering where he was.

"I'm right here my love." Colby said as he came upstairs holding a tray with breakfast on it." Well aren't you just the best husband ever." I said sweetly as he handed me a massive breakfast of eggs, potatoes, pancakes, fruit and toast.

"My love while I appreciate the gesture, I hope you plan on eating with me because this is way to much." I said then took a bite of toast.

"Don't be silly Brie, you're eating for two. I gotta make sure both my girls are taken care of." He said happily kissing my very noticeable baby bump as I was six months pregnant. We were going to have a baby girl and Colby was beyond excited to say the least and ready to spoil her rotten.

"Not even out of the womb yet and you're already spoiling her." I teased then fed him a bite of pancakes as I was serious about not finishing it all.

"What can I say, she already has my heart just like her mother." He replied with a smile and kissed me softly which I returned.

"You're going to be such an amazing father. She's going to be so spoiled between us, her aunt Nicole and her uncles Jon and Joe but she'll also always be protected and loved like no other. And that's all that matters." I said happily finishing the last bit of my eggs.

"Speaking of which, I have a surprise for you. Well me and the boys have a surprise for you." Colby said as he popped one of my grapes in his mouth." Well forget breakfast then, I want to see my surprise!" I said excitedly causing Colby to laugh.

"At least finish your fruit then we'll go see it, you and the little one need the nutrition." He said with a warm smile. I nodded and quickly finished my fruit before setting the rest on the bedside table and slowly standing up.

"Let's go." I said excitedly once standing all the way up." As you wish beautiful." Colby said taking my hand and leading me to the room we planned to use as our daughters nursery. He smiled then opened the door to reveal the fully decorated nursery.

"I know you haven't been feeling very well and haven't been able to finish what you started, so I figured when you went down to visit your family in Tampa it would be the perfect time to finish. So myself and the boys took a few days off and finished it up. I hope you like it." He said as I walked in and looked around. The room was painted a beautiful lilac color, the crib was set up, there was a rocking chair in the corner. Him and the boys had gotten the dresser and changing table set up. They had even painted a women's championship on one wall and put future women's champion.

"It's so perfect Colby. Thank you so much!" I said with a huge smile, tearing up as I hugged him tight and kissed him lovingly. "You really are the best husband and I already know you're going to be the best father." I added once pulling away slowly. I then suddenly felt the baby kick and smiled." She seems to love the room as well as she's happily kicking away in there trying to get out and into this room." I joked.

"Hey you'll be here soon enough little one, but easy one the kicking. Don't want to hurt mommy." He said talking to my bump then kissed it.

"Let's call FaceTime the boys so I can say thank you." I said and he nodded pulling out his phone and called Jon.

Three rings later, he picked up." No way, you actually picked up your phone. You learned which button to push!" I teased after grabbing the phone from Colby once Jon's and Joe's faces appeared.

"Oh shut up! I'm not that bad with technology." Jon said rolling his eyes." Yes he is, he didn't even realize his phone was ringing till I told him." Joe said and Jon punches him in the shoulder and mumbled shut up causing me to laugh.

"I was just calling to say thank you for helping Colby finish up the nursery. It looks amazing in here. Me and the little one greatly appreciate it." I said with a warm smile.

"It was our pleasure Brie, anything for our niece. You know we're only one call away if you need anything." Joe said.

"I wanted to add skulls to the room but Colby wouldn't let me. How does he know she won't like skulls?!" Jon said rolling his eyes and I laughed not at all surprised by this.

"I'll tell you what Jon once she's born, you can ask her and if she likes skulls you can paint her some. Deal?" I asked.

"Deal." He said in agreement and stuck his tongue out at Colby.

"Well we gotta go guys, we're on in a few minutes. We'll come visit soon. Bye!" Joe said.

"Bye guys, love you!" I said then ended the call and handed Colby back his phone.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be catching a flight tonight to Dallas for a live event tomorrow?" I asked as Joe had mentioned wrestling.

"I was but since I gave up my championship, I'm not needed as much currently." He responded. Colby has decided to relinquish his championship in order to spend more time with me. Since as champion he was only getting one-three days off a month. I told him it wasn't necessary as I was only six months along and could move around the house fine on my own but he insisted.

"You know you can always go back on the road full time till the baby comes Colby. You know I understand." I said looking at him softly.

"Trying to get rid of me huh?" He teased and I rolled my eyes playfully." Of course not, you know I'd keep you home 24/7 if I could my love. I just don't want you missing opportunities because of me." I admitted sheepishly.

"The two most important things in my life are standing right in front of me. My beautiful wife and daughter. You two will always be my number one priority in life, everything else comes second and that includes work. I want to be here for you." He said then kissed me deeply which I immediately returned.

"I love you so much Colby Bear." I said sweetly.

"I love you with all my heart Bumble Brie." He replied kissing my forehead, and the baby kicked.

"Hey now, we love you too little one. We love you so much and we can't wait to meet you." He added placing a hand on my bump.

"That's right, mommy and daddy love you more than anything in this world. We're so excited for you to come into this world and into our lives." I said placing my hand on top of Colby's, looking down at our wedding rings.

It's crazy to think two years ago he proposed to me, a year ago we got married and a few months later I fell pregnant. At first I was nervous to tell him as we were both at such high points in our careers but the moment I told him his eyes lit up and he had the biggest smile on his face.

If it wasn't for Colby I wouldn't be standing here today. I wouldn't have a wedding ring on my finger and baby in me. I wouldn't be married to the love of my life and happier than I ever thought possible. If it wasn't for Colby, it's very possible I could be six feet under right now. And if that wasn't the case then I'd still be in a mentally and physically abusive relationship but that wasn't the case.

Colby truly was my saving grace.

Authors note: Well guys that's the end of Saving Grace! Thank you so much for all the love and support you've given me throughout my time writing this book.

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