Everlasting Damage?

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Seth's POV

I looked over at Brianna noticing she was barely able to manage that soft smile. However I knew she didn't want me to dwell on that, so I curtly nodded and grabbed some basketball shorts, boxers and tank top before heading into the bathroom to take a shower. After setting my clothes down on the counter I began running the hot water then began removing my clothes. After testing the water to make sure it was scorching hot like I liked it I stepped under the running water letting it soothe in my body. As I began to lather up, my mind began pondering today's events. I still couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that anyone could hurt someone as harmless, beautiful and innocent as Brianna. I let the hot water soothe my body and my mind for the moment then began washing my hair noticing I'd need to touch up my blonde streaks soon. Normally I'd take an hour long shower if time permitted but I didn't want to leave Brianna alone to long after what she went through tonight.  So I cut my shower short after 15 minutes and quickly dried off before putting on my clothes. As I stepped out of the shower I noticed Brianna seemed to be asleep. Sure enough as I took a step closer her eyes were closed and her chest was moving up and down as she breathed softly. As quietly as I could I laid in my own bed, then shut off the lamp since it was the only lights on for now. It had been a long day for the both of us, I glanced over at Brie one more time to make sure she was alright before laying my head on my pillow and beginning to doze off. It only took a matter of seconds before I was fast asleep just like Brie. As I was having a dream of myself and Brianna having a picnic, her beautiful brown eyes staring into mine as if she was looking into my soul, I heard a loud scream that woke startled me awake. I quickly opened my eyes and looked to my right to see Brianna tossing and turning yelling at the top of her lungs" I'm Sorry!,"multiple times. As quickly as I could I got up and laid beside her, I wrapped my arms around her waist cuddling her gently, which stopped the tossing and turning. However she was now crying and still kept apologizing for who knows why. The only thing that could come to mind was she was reliving a time Daniel beat her and she was apologizing in hopes he wouldn't hit her. "Shhh Brianna. There's no need to cry or apologize. It's all over. I'm here for you." I said in a soft soothing voice running a hand through her soft hair. I felt her body instantly relax as the crying and apologizing stopped. Hopefully she didn't mind this I thought to myself. I knew we were bestfriends but I never did anything like this to her. Yes I've been crushing on her for months but I knew my limits when she was with Bryan. "But she's not with Bryan anymore." I thought to myself. With that in mind I kissed her forehead and brought her closer to my body as I held her in my arms. Her breathing seemed normal again and she seemed relaxed. I closed my eyes once again and fell asleep in seconds keeping Brianna safe in my arms.

Brie's POV
As sun shined through the curtains and onto my face, I slowly opened my eyes. It only took seconds for me to realize Colby was not only in bed with me but his arms were wrapped securely around me in a protective manner. I mentally groaned realizing I must've reacted to the nightmare I was having last night. Truth be told I was dreaming about one of the times Daniel beat me because he thought I was flirting with Dolph just because I told him I liked his new jacket. I decided to stay still in Seth's arms for two reasons, one because he must've stayed up late making sure I was okay so he deserved the sleep. Plus I had to admit I didn't wanna leave his arms, I've always felt safe around him, he was my best friend after all. However what I was feeling was much more than best friend love but I shook that thought aside I was probably misinterpreting things. He was just trying to be a good best friend is all, he couldn't possibly have feeling for me. As I was pondering this thought, he woke up without me even noticing."Good morning Bumble Brie." Colby said using his nickname for me still keeping his arms wrapped around me thankfully.

"Good morning Colby Bear." I said sweetly using our pet names for each other. "Hey thanks for last night..." I quickly added looking down a bit embarrassed that I actually screamed in my sleep.

"Hey, hey. There's no need to be embarrassed Brianna. You went through a horrific experience, I don't blame you for having nightmares." He said tilting my head back up and turning it towards him, our faces only inches apart." But I promise you, no one will ever harm you that way ever again. I won't allow it to happen, I never should've allowed this to happen." He said sighing heavily, still blaming himself.

I looked in his eyes and spoke softly." Stop blaming yourself Colby. You could've never known, I hid it well. I made it so no one would ever know." I then leant in and kissed his cheek which caught him by surprise. His cheek actually turned a light shade of pink but of course he acted like it was no big deal.

"As much as I'd love to stay like this and trust me I'd love nothing better. We have a show to head to." Colby said changing the subject and let me go. I couldn't help but sigh softly not wanting to be out of his arms. However I tried to hide my emotions and smiles softly as I got up.

"I just realized, I have nothing to wear. All my clothes are in his room.." I said not wanting to say Daniels name. Colby nodded and quickly dug in his bag handing me one of his shirts in my size. "Of course you'd give me one of your shirts." I couldn't help but laugh.

"What you aren't a fan?" He said faking a hurt look before giving me his signature smirk." Oh wait all the ladies are a fan that was a stupid question." I rolled my eyes playfully punching his shoulder used to his ego. I walked into the bathroom and kept my dark blue jeans on but removed my current t-shirt. I scanned the bathroom before finding what I wanted which was a pair of scissors. I set the tshirt on the counter and began cutting away, turning the tshirt into the style that you'd often see AJ cut hers in. I then slipped my "masterpiece" on and walked back into the main room noticing Colby had already changed. He turned around facing me and smirked once again." You know I don't think my shirt has ever looked so good. You ready Brie?" He asked. I nodded blushing ever so slightly at the compliment before putting my shoes on.

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