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Brie's POV
The WWE medics thought it was best for Colby to go the emergency room. So here we were, he was laying in a hospital bed sleeping off his injuries as the hospital had given him pain killers so he could sleep soundly. He was diagnosed with two bruised ribs and a minor concussion. His face despite being cleaned up had bruises all over it making me want to cry. I silently sat beside his bed, holding his hand tightly as he slept. "He'll pay for this, I promise you." I whispered softly and kissed his forehead.

Moments later I heard a knock on the door and turned around to see Roman poke his head in." Sorry to bother you Brie but there's a police officer out here that wants to ask you some questions." He said looking at me. Roman and Dean despite me telling them it wasn't necessary had been standing guard outside Seth's room in case anyone else decided to attack us." It's fine Ro', let them in." I said with a soft sigh, emotionally exhausted. "Sorry to bother you during this time Mrs.Danielson.." The Officer didn't even get to finish his sentence before I snapped." My name isn't Mrs.Danielson. My name is Ms.Garcia-Colace. I'm not married to the man responsible for this." I said motioning to my bruised and battered boyfriend. The officer stood there for a moment silently before continuing to speak." Uh well Ms.Garcia-Colace. Do you know why this happened?" He asked and I nodded." My ex-husband had to be behind this." I replied not even bothering to look at the officer as all my focus was on Seth." You believe he was the man in the hood who got away?" The officer questioned." No, I don't know who the man was that held me back. Daniel is currently being held in jail till our court date." I replied knowing the officer must be confused." He hired these men, I'm not sure how but he did. The man who was holding me back told me that my husband sends his regards before tossing me to the floor. In his mind, he still believes I'm him. He believes that Colby here brainwashed me and is keeping me captive. He wants to hurt me. So he hurt the man I'm in love with knowing that it would hurt me the most." I said as a tear went down my face." Why do you believe your ex-husband is even capable of this?" The officer questioned. I slowly turned around and looked him dead in the eye. I rolled up my sleeves revealing the bruises I had on my arms, then lifted up my shirt slowly to reveal a few battle scars." If he can do this to a women he claims to love, I have no doubt in my mind that he can do this to a man he hates." I replied turning my attention back to Colby immediately as I realized he was beginning to stir." Now if that's all, I'd like to be left alone with my boyfriend." I added and the officer nodded exiting the room.

Seth's/Colby's POV
I slowly began to open my eyes and couldn't help but smile as my beautiful girlfriend came into focus." Well hello there beautiful." I said softly then noticed she had been crying." Hey now, I hope you weren't crying over little ole me." I said moving to hug her but instantly felt pain in my bruised ribs."I'm so sorry Colby." Was all she managed to say before she began to cry again." Shhhh, shhh there's no need to be sorry my love. It's not like you did this to me." I said ignoring my soreness and pain, reaching over to wrap my arms around her." You wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for me." She said with a sniffle looking at me doe eyed." Theres no place I'd rather be...well maybe besides in our bedroom." I said trying to make light of this situation." Don't make me punch you.." She muttered at my comment." You won't be able to defend your championship at 'Mania because of me." She said with a sigh." He won't stop till either I leave or you're dead." She added looking more worn out than I did." Well the only way I'm letting you leave is if I'm dead. So there's that." I said looking into her eyes." I love you more than anything in this world. You know that right?" She said looking back in my eyes." And you know that you're my world right?" I replied then kissed her softly immediately feeling her kiss back." He's gonna pay for this. I'm going to make sure that son of a bitch rots in prison." She said suddenly, her eyes filled with fire." I know you will my love." I replied softly, knowing there was no stopping what she had planned." Can we leave now? I hate hospitals." I said giving Brie puppy dog eyes." Of course we can handsome, I'll go get the doctor so we can get the discharge papers." She said getting up." Oh also, I took a week off. We'll be staying in Iowa for a little bit." She added with a soft smile knowing that was music to my ears. I may not be able to compete for awhile, but a week with my girlfriend at home sounded perfect.

Saving grace.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora