How strong do you think I am?

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Seth's POV
It had been two weeks since Brianna had left me in the hotel room alone, since then nothing was the same. I still saw her at every show but she refused to talk to me, she refused to talk to anyone even Nicole. I knew something wasn't right, Daniel had to be doing something to her. However, unless she came straight out said something or even subtly hinted at it then my hands were tied. As more days passed, I noticed cuts on Brianna's wrists. Of course, when I asked about them she ignored me completely. But, for the first time in weeks she actually made eye contact with me and it was then confirmed she was broken. The usual glimmer of hope and the happiness her eyes once held were completely gone and we were replaced by darkness and sorrow. It was at this moment I knew I couldn't wait for her to speak up, I had to go about this my own way even if it made her hate me. While Brianna was wrestling, I snuck into her lockeroom and attached a minature microphone in her suitcase, hiding it among her clothes. All I needed was some type of evidence, then I could save the love of my life.

Brie's POV
After finishing my match, I noticed Colby walking away from the diva's side of the lockeroom. "Maybe he finally moved on, that's good." I thought to myself even though just the thought of Colby with another women broke my heart. However, deep down I knew it was for the best. He deserved happiness and I certainly couldn't give him that. After entering my lockeroom, I sat on the ground and for the first time in weeks I finally broke down. Tears began streaming down my face as I silently wallowed in my own sorrow. For weeks now, I'd been having to live the life I thought I finally escaped. Constant verbal and physical abuse, and now the man I actually loved was with another women. Just as I was finally getting a moment alone to get a good cry in that I needed, my phone began to ring. After sighing heavily, I looked at the screen and much to my disappointment it was Daniel. I answered the phone call and before I even got a word in, he began to yell." Your match was over ten minutes ago bitch, where are you?! You know better than to make me wait! You better not have been talking to Colby, that wouldn't end well for either of you. You have two minutes to get your ass outside, starting now." He said then hung up. I quickly grabbed a towel cleaning the tears off my face then quickly gathered my things and headed out towards the car. I entered the car my eyes slightly puffy from crying, the minute I entered the car I was met with yelling from Daniel. "What the hell took you so long?! Oh look, you're crying again! You just want someone to find out what's happening don't you? You're hoping your Prince Charming comes and saves you again!" He said turning my head, forcing me to look at him." Newsflash Brianna, it's been weeks. Your precious sister nor Colby have come to save you. You want to know why Brianna?! Because you're worthless, you don't mean anything to them, you never have and you never will." He stated with a laugh and before I could even fully open my mouth to speak, he slapped me across the face as hard as he could. "You'll speak when I tell you to speak and only then." He spat before beginning to drive off. As soon as he let go of my face, I looked away and out the window trying not to cry again. I refused to give him that satisfaction, but maybe he was right. Maybe, I had pushed everyone away. Maybe I really was worthless, maybe this is what I deserved. I sat in silence for the next two hours, zoning out Daniel as he spoke until we finally arrived at a quote on quote safe house. We never stayed at hotels anymore, because if we did then we could be spotted. We instead would stay at small places off the grid, where there was no signal. So in case in Daniel's words I wouldn't get any smart ideas and try to contact anyone without his permission. I sighed heavily as he parked the car and I immediately got out, just wanting to get away from him. Internally I knew there was no escape, but at least out here since we were alone he allowed me to wander around the house. So as he sat inside doing who knows what, I walked in circles around the area, just crying my eyes out before collapsing on the ground. A loud scream emitting my lips in frustration as I pulled my knees to chest and continued sobbing. Of course, that attracted Daniel's attention and he immediately came and got me, dragging me inside the house with him." You just don't know how to shut up, do you?!" He said clearly annoyed as he threw me like a rag doll onto the living floor. "Get the hell up, come on we're going to take a shower." Daniel said with a slight smirk as I sat there not moving a muscle." Come on Brianna, we can do this hard way or the easy way. The choice is yours." He said beginning to approach me again. I looked at him lifelessly, I was drained both physically and emotionally, I wanted to put a fight but what was the point. We were in the middle of nowhere, no one cared about me, no was looking for me, I was alone and why should I make it worse for myself. I stood up and began walking to the bathroom, Daniel right on my heels. I purposefully walked as slow as I physically could as dread filled my entire body. "Walk faster, we don't have all day." He said then slapped my ass and without thinking, I slapped him with all the strength I could muster. For a moment, I was proud of myself but once he looked at me, anger and hatred spewing from him, I knew I was in for it." Big mistake, my love." He said then pinned me against the wall, grabbing a nearby rag and tying my hands together." Apparently you want to do this hard way, fine by me." He said getting right in my face, then spat on it. Then before I could even react, he pulled down my pants and ripped off my blouse leaving me in just my bra and panties."..Please Daniel, I'm sorry." I begged, my voice shaking knowing what was going to happen next. "Oh we're far past sorry Brianna." He stated before taking off his belt and striking my stomach and chest with it." I think a hundred strikes should suffice. Start counting darling." He said as he struck me with the belt once more hitting my back this time."..One." I said shakily trying to fight the pain, seconds later another sensation of pain washed over me as he hit the same spot."..Two." This went on for near forty minutes."..Hundred." I said barely able to speak, now on the ground covered in my own blood and tears, every inch of my body now bruised. My head began to spin and my vision began to grow fuzzy as I laid on the ground from how much blood I had lost. The last thing I remembered before I blacked out was Daniel removing the last of my clothing with a smirk on his face.

Authors note: I think I'm going to finally continue this story, so here's a small update.

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