Court Part 2

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Brie's POV
My heart was beating faster than it ever had before, my palms were sweaty, I could feel my body shaking. Why was I like this, I knew I wasn't in the wrong yet I saw what this lawyer did to Colby and I knew he was going to be a million times harder on me. However, I knew if I seemed nervous that would only help Daniel because it would seem as if I had something to hide. So I took several deep breaths and managed to calm myself and took the oath before taking a seat at the stands.

"Ms.Garcia-Colace, how long have you known my client." Daniels lawyer asked." Approximately 5 or 6 years, when he started working for WWE." I answered simply." So it's safe to say you and my client are close?" He asked." We were yes, before he started abusing me." I replied focusing anywhere in the room beside where Daniel sat." See you claim my client abused you, yet you married him. A bit odd if you ask me. You did marry him correct?" The lawyer prodded." Yes but.." I began to speak." So you did love him?" The lawyer interrupted." I suppose at one point yes." I replied with a heavy sigh knowing his lawyer wasn't going to let me get a word in.

"Now Ms.Garcia-Colace, can you tell me your relationship with Mr.Lopez?" The lawyer prodded." He's my boyfriend." I replied and from the corner of my eye I could see Daniel fighting the urge to speak when that suddenly gave me an idea." The love of my life to be exact, hes my entire world." I said happily while watching Daniel squirm." Let's change the focus." The lawyer said as he also noticed Daniel getting uncomfortable.

"You're a professional wrestler, correct?" The lawyer asked." That is correct." I replied wondering what he was getting at." So your body gets bruised quite often in that ring I'm assuming." The lawyer added and I realized where he was going with this." At times, however I'm a tr.." I once again got cut off." Just answer the question Ms.Garcia-Colace, yes or no. Do you get bruised in the ring?" He pressed." Yes." I replied softly." And those bruises can happen anywhere, yes?" He continued on."I suppose." I said softly once more.

"See ladies and gentlemen of the jury this case has just been solved. Put the testimony of both Mr.Lopez and Ms.Garcia-Colacs together. They both love one another, yet the defendant was in a relationship. One she herself has admitted was loving, so she used the bruises she accumulated through her in ring career and passed them off as my client beating her. So she could run off with a different man instead of admitting to my client that she no longer loved him." Daniel's lawyer summarized." No more questions your honor." He added then sat down.

"Defense you may cross examine the witness if you please, however you do run the risk off incriminating yourself." Judge Landon stated." We'll take the risk." My lawyer stated approaching the stands.

"Now the prosecution states my clients bruises are from wrestling. But that couldn't be further from the truth. Ms.Garcia-Colace please tell us how you gained those bruises." My lawyer asked." From Mr.Danielson beating me. He'd do it constantly but he would always do it to places that wouldn't show in my ring gear. At first anyways, however the longer it happened he no longer cared and would mark every inch of my body causing me to say it's because I fell down stairs or something similar. And I know many people in the jury are going to ask me why didn't I leave then. Because I tried once and he put a gun to my head and told me that if he couldn't have me then no one could. That if I ever tried to leave again or told anyone what he did to me, he'd not only kill me but everyone I loved." I managed to say as tears ran down my face finally getting the truth out. I suddenly got a burst of confidence and lifted up my shirt revealing my bruised stomach and chest. Despite months passing, I still had purple bruises lining my body and scars that would never leave me." This wasn't done in the ring, this was done by a man that said he loved me. A man that once vowed he'd protect me from the world yet destroyed it for me." I said in between sobs then pointed to Daniel." That man made my life a living hell and I refuse to let him any control of me any longer. He deserves much more than jail but I'm pleading with the jury today to at least give him that. Take his life away like he took mine for so long." I managed to say in between the sobs as I completely broke down." I don't believe anything else is needed to be said, my client has clearly suffered both mentally and physically at the hands of Mr.Danielson. She's the victim and I hope you all see that today." My lawyer stated then helped me back our table.

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