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Brie's POV
After I put on my shoes we headed to the car."I call shotgun." I quickly yelled as I didn't want to drive. Seth just chuckled and shook his head as he got into the drivers seat at the same time I got into the passenger seat.

"You do realize the drive is literally only five minutes to the venue correct?" Seth said playfully at the fact I didn't wanna drive as he fired up the engine and began driving. Instead of responding like a mature adult I decided to stick my tongue out at him." Hey don't stick that thing out unless you plan to use it." Seth said glancing at me as he continued to drive.

"In your dreams." I responded with a slight smirk as I wasn't prepared for what he was going to say next.

"Trust me Bumble Brie you use much more than your tongue in my dreams." He said as he parked the car gave me one of his signature smirks then got out of the car. I literally just sat there silently my cheeks turning slightly pink. Now don't get me wrong I was used to Seth saying sexual things just not directed to me. Eventually Seth opened the passenger door and laughed." Come on Brianna I was just joking, let's get going." He said.

Seth's POV
Truthfully I wasn't joking but the look of pure shock on Brie's face made me quickly cover my tracks. Thankfully, after I said that she seemed to go back to normal and got out of the car. As we were walking inside the arena I noticed Bryan and immediately brought Brie closer to me and wrapped an arm protectively around me.

"Thank you." Brie mumbled softly who seemed to relax as she felt my arm around her. I have her a quick grin as if to say anytime. After making sure she got to the diva's lockeroom safety, I made my way over to my own lockeroom. As I was walking I day dreamed about Brianna, I knew after what she went through I shouldn't be but I couldn't help it. Just as I was imagining us kissing, I walked into my lockeroom door and heard familiar snickers behind me coming from Dean and Roman. "Stalking me now boys?" I said jokingly as I walked inside my lockeroom leaving the door open so they could come in.

"You wish lover boy." Roman responded as I shot him look." So how was last night with Brie?" He asked genuinely concerned about him but before I could answer Ambrose added." Did you bang her?" Which in turn both me and Roman punched his shoulder." What??????" He asked with a shrug.

"No I didn't sleep with her, the poor girl is frightened half to death nitwit." I said looking at Dean then turning to Roman." Honestly my heart goes out to her, she literally started screaming in the middle of the night probably having flashback to when Bryan abused her. She wouldn't stop screaming till I wrapped my arms around her...that's actually the position we both fell asleep in." He said with a shrug despite being filled with emotions from last night." Now out I have to get ready and as good looking as my body is I don't want two full grown dudes looking at."

"You act like we want to see you small package." Dean said which made Roman crack up laughing as they both left. I shook my head beginning to get dressed for my match later tonight as I heard a knock at the door.

"I swear if you make another dick joke I'll kick you in the balls." I said as I opened the door dressed in my ring gear expecting to see Dean but found Brianna standing there instead.

Brie's POV

"Dammit and I had a good one too! But wouldn't want to be kicked in my nonexistent balls now." I said laughing softly knowing he probably expected Dean or Roman at the door." I just came to tell you out segment has been bumped up, which makes it next." I said looking at him. He nodded and grabbed my hand which made me look at him oddly.

"What? Have to get in character right?" Seth said innocently as we got to gorilla and Bryan was already standing there. He tried to approach us but I hid behind Seth who said softly." Brianna you don't have to hide behind me, I promise you if this jackass even tried to lay a finger on you I'll break every bone in his damn body." I nodded and stood beside Seth gripping his hand for mental support. Daniel glanced over at us and chuckled before rolling his eyes and doing his entrance after his music hit. "He thinks this is a fucking joke!? Doesn't he!?" Seth said clearly outraged.

"Shhh Colby look at me." I said looking into his eyes." Anger is going to get us nowhere, please calm down...for me." I said sweetly which seemed to the trick as his body seemed to relax. I personally wasn't listening to Daniel's promo but seconds later I heard Seth's music playing. I walked out beside him and did my signature Bella Booty shake beside him as he stood on the ramp. We then held hands as we walked down the ramp, then he held down the ropes so I could get inside the ring before following suit.

"Aww look who has my leftovers. How does it feel to know you'll always be second best to me Rollins. Hell she even still has my ring on." Daniel said pointing to the ring on my finger which I didn't even realize I was wearing. Seth somehow was still remaining calm while I on the other hand was fuming. "Forget the damn script." I thought to myself.

"Seth dear, can I see that microphone please." I asked sweetly as he handed me the microphone giving me a confused look knowing this wasn't part of the script." Let's get one thing perfectly clear Daniel, I'm not yours anymore. So..." I said as I took off my ring as the crowd gasped and threw it at his face and just as he moved to attack me Seth stood protectively in front of me causing him to stop." Also since you're calling me your leftovers, you won't mind me doing this." I said with a smirk as she wrapped my arms around Seth's neck bringing him down slightly and kissed him deeply and passionately. The crowd fell silent, Daniel fell silent, and hell Seth didn't even react for a few seconds. A few seconds later Seth instinctively placed his hands on my waist as he kissed me with just as much passion looking into my eyes lovingly as all Bryan could do was yell his no chant as the crowd yelled yes. While looking into Seth's eyes, I knew the passion I was feeling certainly wasn't storyline. We didn't move, it was if time was completely frozen, our eyes met as if we agreed at that moment to talk about it later. Thankfully Seth quickly got back into character and picked up the fallen microphone." Sorry goat, she has a real man now. She no longer needs an animal to take care of her, well actually wait she took care of you huh? Because let me just say you look pathetic, then again you always do. Now if you'll excuse us, we have some business to take care of backstage that we'd be more than happy to show you but then they'd have to change to rating of the show to rated R." Seth said with a seductive smirk which made the crowd go crazy.

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