A glimmer of hope.

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Seth's POV
It had been seven hours, seven fucking hours since I had hidden the microphone in Brianna's suitcase. Now I just had to wait for her to open it, so I could listen and figure out what the hell was going on. I sighed heavily as took a sip of coffee, impatiently waiting. This didn't add up, Brianna should've been at the hotel three hours ago, four if traffic was bad. Then again, she hadn't been staying in hotels lately but she had to be somewhere in the city. Which still meant it would've only taken her a maximum time of four hours to travel. Plus, the first thing she always did once arriving at a place was shower, which meant her suitcase should be open by now and I should be hearing her sweet voice. Yet here I was, sitting on my hotel bed drinking coffee as the digital clock beside me displayed the time of 11:11. "I wish Brianna would open her suitcase." I mumbled making a wish in an almost sarcastic tone. Just as was about to take another sip from my coffee, I suddenly heard static coming from my receiver which meant my wish had come true, by some miracle Brianna had finally opened her suitcase. Or so I thought, as I was adjusting the dial on the receiver I began to hear a males voice and it instantly made my blood boil not just because it belonged to a male but because it belonged to her abusive ex husband, Daniel. No, this couldn't be. "She's not stupid enough to run back to him, right?" I asked myself out loud then shook my head quickly dismissing the thought. Of course not, he had to have kidnapped her or threatened her. She certainly wasn't there on her own freewill or at least I hope she wasn't. I stayed absolutely silent as I set a recorder near the receiver, and impatiently waited for Daniel or more importantly Brie to begin talking. Luckily for me, I didn't have to wait long. "You can't even perform the simplest of tasks, can you Brie? It's pathetic. I almost tripped over your goddamn suitcase." Daniel said in an annoyed tone as I could hear him digging in the suitcase, as I mentally prayed to all the gods I didn't believe in that he wouldn't find the microphone. I let out a sigh of relief as he stopped looking through the suitcase." Just as I expected, you have nothing suitable I'd like to see you in tonight. Seems you'll be staying naked tonight." Daniel said, I expected Brianna to speak up at this point but she didn't." No objections? I didn't think so. God, you're so much more pleasant when you're knocked out. I should keep you in this state more often." He said with a sadistic like chuckle, as I balled up my fists trying to stay calm. Not only was this son of a bitch kidnapping and abusing her again, but I'm pretty sure he was seconds away from raping her." Please Brianna, wake the hell up!" I shouted out loud in my room, of course she couldn't hear." Well since you're being such a good girl, I think you deserve a treat." Daniel said, I could then hear movement which means my worse fears were becoming a reality they were moving to the bed." Don't worry love, I'll be gentle." Daniel said jokingly. Those were the last words he spoke for the next twenty minutes, twenty minutes he raped her. Everyone of his grunts, every derogatory name he called her, his heaving breathing, and everything in between were all recorded that night. "I'm sorry Brianna, I couldn't save you tonight but I promise you, this'll be the last time you ever have to go through this. I got the bastard now." I said softly to myself, then out of pure frustration and rage I punched a hole in the hotel wall then took a deep breath." How can someone so pure be subjected to this much evil?!" I thought to myself as I ran my hands through my hair. Luckily, I could now hear heavy breathing on the receiver which meant Daniel was finally asleep. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted both Stephanie and Hunter." Daniel kidnapped Brianna, abused her again and raped her. I have proof." After sending the message, a few moments later I got a text from Stephanie to met her in the morning in her office and she'd deal with it. After that, I set my phone on the bedside table and laid in bed. Morning couldn't come soon enough.

-The Next Morning-
Brie's POV

As the sun shined through the windows, all I could feel was pain. However, it wasn't my back or upper body that was causing me pain, while that area was still tender and bloody, the pain for the most part has subsided and was now bearable. However, I was currently feeling unbearable pain in between my legs and that's when reality hit me and my eyes shot open. I realized I was completely naked, and as I looked to my left reality hit me even harder as I noticed Daniel was currently naked as well. Not only that, I didn't see a condom anywhere but I saw cum on the bedsheets as well as on my inner thighs which meant he more than likely finished in me. I wanted to burst into tears or scream, but that would just wake him up and that's the last thing I wanted. After all, what was stoping him from doing it again. I was far to weak at the moment to stop him and the last thing I wanted was for it to happen while I was conscious. I slowly got up despite my body fighting against me, the last thing I wanted was to lay in bed any longer with that monster. I practically limped to the shower where the tile floor still had my blood on it from yesterday, I sighed softly then closed and locked the bathroom door giving myself a momentary safe place. I then walked to the shower and ran the hot water till it was scorching hot, then stepped in. I took a deep breath then began scrubbing my body as roughly as possible , wanting to get every left trace of Daniel off me. I scrubbed and scrubbed until my entire body was bright red from the combination of my scrubbing and the hot water, as I scrubbed I began to silently cry. Tears streamed down my face and I just let them fall, I leaned against the shower wall and sunk down, bringing my knees to my chest as I sat down. The water still running as I cried my heart out, wanting nothing more than to be anywhere but here.

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