"He's a good husband."

"That wasn't the question."

"Can  we drop it".

"Your unborn child would beg for it to be asked again. To keep him/her from being his fathers' punching bag and to give it a childhood free of domestic violence".

"He's a good husband".

"I'm going to guess he takes most of your wages. Gives you and your baby the bare minimum to eat".

"How did y..Allison stops herself.  "He's the father of my baby."

"Let the court decides if he sees your child".

"It's my marriage and my husband stay out of it please."

"I'm the heart of this pack I would not be a good Alpha's Mate if I let you continue to suffer. Kindness is the building block to a better way it allows change to occur. If someone is offering it to you, to help you change your life. Ask yourself do you want things to change if it could?  What have I got to lose or gain by it".

"Ok I get it, do you want me to finish making this Potato salad?"

'No thank you I'll finish it up later. You can get the pasta bake out the oven for me though".

The following week it was obvious that Scott was in a very bad mood.

"Maybe if you let him work he would feel better".

"Chris I didn't expect you to be his mouth piece. Your daughter's wellbeing should be your first priorities".

"She's made a lot of friends she's barely with him anymore. She seems so happy".

"Speaks volume that".

"What you getting at Derek?"

"I will not change my mind Scott doesn't run this pack. As for what I'm getting at please tell your daughter she can depend on you no matter what".

Stiles was in the pack house with Allison and some of the women. They decided to sew a quilt for her baby. Everyone had a patch they were working on. Mellisa was in the kitchen cooking with the women who's turn it was to cook. They all ate then tidy up, Stiles gave Allison a mobile phone.

"Keep it hidden somewhere safe, I've preprogrammed the numbers of the different heads in the pack. Call or type and someone will come running even if you can't talk to say help"..

That night as they lay in bed together. Derek and Stiles held each other and were grateful for the supportive family they had. While wondering how to get Allison away from her husband. They knew they had to walk a fine line. If they did something drastic she could easily run back to him. And there was no telling how much Scott would hurt her as punishment.

Stiles went to see Scott the next day, "It's nice to see you".

He goes to hug her but she turns as if going for a muffin.

"Wow you're the legal wife of the most powerful Alpha in the country. My friend has that much power and magic to boot".

"You're about to be a father that's exciting"

"If it's a boy it will be".

"Have you met any of Allison's other family Scott?"

"Yeah her aunt Katie is a peace of work, she really didn't like me".

"Why is that?"

"As she like to tell me Allie can do better than me".

"While you're here and getting your bearings you're not allowed to leave town".

"What if I want something from the next town?"

"Are you sure you're a qualified doctor how stupid are you?"

Scott makes as if he was going to strike Stiles but caught himself in time. Stiles turns to see Allison and Deputy Parrish taking in the scene before them. The café was full of people. They knew their Alpha's Mate needed no help, but they stood up and stood behind her anyway.

"Deputy Paris I would like to report a crime against me".

Jordan makes to move and Scott throws a punch at Stiles. She raise her hands and sends him to his knees.

"Your wife has something to say to you".

"We're over, I've told the Alpha about your abuse of me. And I've made a statement to the police. I'm told the council will get involved with your punishment. You know how they loathe the abuse of a human partner by a supernatural".

"You can't they'll kill me, I'll change."

"You're scared of my grandfather why?"

"He has prove of me hitting you, I gave him information and spy for him. So he and his organisation can take out the supernaturals. I knew about the raid on this town that's why I took you to your dads. We can start over for the baby's sake".

"Scott you will go to the police station and spill your guts. That's not up for negotiation".

Hours later Allison and Stiles walked into the station, "I need you to sign this", Allison gives Scott a stack of papers.

"What's this?"

"Divorce papers."

"How the hell did you manage to get those in less than 8 hours?"

"What you fail to realise is that no one in this town works anywhere but in this town. That the Alpha's word is law, now  sign", says Stiles.

Scott signs the papers, "Technically you're not my mate. So we don't need a divorce. I wanted there to be no technicality. You lied to me, I found my mate".

"A pregnant whore, going to whore yourself out are you?"

Allison looks Scott straight in the eyes, "Goodbye."

He started foaming at the mouth, "You said you would give me a chance. What changed your mind. Why are you doing this?"

Allison starts walking out the room then stops, "Kindness is the building block".

I really hoped you guys enjoyed this book I've had no votes or comments so I can't really tell. This is the end of kindness is the building block. The second part called Love is the glue will be posted next Wednesday once I do a cover for it. I'm going to do it separately from this book as no one answered my question in the last chapter. Love is the glue starts literally from the end of this book. Thank you for taking the time to read my book, I really do appreciate it.

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