Short and feisty, like a weed

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A/N: Zadack thank you for asking nicely :)

Pit's P.O.V.

"What do you mean we don't have school today?" It's currently Monday morning and I'm the most confused I've ever been in my life. "What about our friends, what about Roy!?" I turn to my brother but Dark doesn't seem to want to be here as much as I do because he's doing his timid brooding thing he does occasionally.

Apparently Miss Rose works for organizations where they help "people like us", yes it was actually phrased that way, and Dark and I are being placed.. in a foster home.. But, I really don't want to go, things were finally working out just fine damnit! Oh, and I don't know if you can tell but I'm still shaken as hell from the other day so hearing and seeing the one lady I don't want to see driving us towards our new 'home' is just the icing on the cake that is my life falling apart.

I just want to go home. I just want some cake, not some metaphor 'my life is falling apart' cake. I mean actual, literal cake. "Sorry dear, but the school you two attend figured it'd be better you two take this day off and.. 'adjust' before returning to your classes." Miss Rose tries to calm me down. I feel bad, I know she's trying. But I'm still a scared asshole and I can't deal with hearing her voice so much. It sounds nice and soothing like she's trying to be, of course. But to my psyche the sound of her words is like rusty nails being hammered into a chalkboard, except the chalkboard is my heart and brain.. I think I may have misphrased that expression just a bit..

I wanted to protest again, but the car we were in stops in front of some nice two story house with a beautifully tended to garden out front. "We're here." Miss Rose announces cheerfully and I give my brother a skeptical glance before noticing his blatant uninterested expression at our surroundings. ".. Dark?" I tried to put my hand on his shoulder in hopes to reach out to hin, but Dark simply snapped out of his upset trance and opened the door beside him. "Yeah, let's go Pit." He pulls me forward absentmindedly and for once in my life I don't feel like conversing with my brother. There's something off about him, I'm more worried than before if even possible.

My throat grows dry as we approach the front door. Miss Rose knocks and I look away in fear of what's on the other side of the door. I feel Dark's hand squeeze mine tighter and I use it as a bit of an anchor to keep me here. I'm so glad he's here with me, otherwise I'd probably be a nervous wreck.

"Hello?" The door opens and the person behind it is some small girl with blonde hair. "Oh, hello." Ms. Rose smiles as if she were greeting a child, "I'm here with the Icarus brothers, I spoke to a Miss Viridi on the phone?" The blonde girl looks amused before holding her hand out to shake Ms. Rose's. "Viridi Luminescent, ma'am. Nice to finally talk to you face to face." I gave Dark a concerned glanced, he began to look kind of.. upset. Angry even. 

After a small while of us getting to see their house, and being talked at for nearly one full hour we all turned our heads to a knock at the door. Viridi smiled, turning to Ms. Rose and quickly mentioning, "My wife has arrived." Dark glanced over to me and whispered curiously out loud, "Wife?" 

The door opens. And before Viridi can even hug the tall woman's torso I can see just how pretty she is. She notices us and smiles, "Hello boys, hello Rosalina." She greets us before kissing the shorter blonde lady. "My apologies for arriving late, but I was at work. I'm so glad I get to finally meet you two." Dark nods with a hum of agreement.

I stand still. I lower my head. I don't move. "Pit?" My brother looks at me concerned, it's the first of the old him I've seen since we arrived here. "Um. H-hi." I manage to get out. Viridi, Ms. Rose, and Dark eye me weirdly. If I could I probably would too. 

I don't know what it is about her, but this lady.. Palutena. She makes me feel safe somehow. 

Sorry it's kinda short, More next time!

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