The thunder before the lightning

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A/N: (that sad moment when no-one got your Frozen reference with the last title and you pray that someone will know where this one is from-) um anyway, I may not update tomorrow and I'm sorry for that but here is a relatively longer than normal chapter (more than 2,000 words, wow) I hope you enjoy :)


A small brunette boy around the age of seven found himself alone outside a small beige house as he sat beside the street's sidewalk and hung his head. He bounced around a small gray rock and scanned his sad blue eyes around the area warily. Footsteps approached and another small kid, maybe a year or two older than him, towered over the brunette with a look of disgust. "Oh, you're one of those twin freaks in the grade below mine."

The smaller boy didn't respond, he knew who was speaking to him. Rather than talking back to the bully he kept his head hung and tightened his grip on the rock in his hand. "Wait a second you're not that albino loser so that means you're the problem one. You know others say that you were named Pit because it was such a pity you were born." He taunts the seated boy further, leaning toward him as if to make a point.

After being so harshly berated and put down the smaller boy stands and glares at the the boy before him as his head buzzes and his heart aches. "Don't." He warns harshly, his voice wavering. "Don't ever say my name again Shadow!" He cries, tears pooling up in his eyes as he pushes the other away in a desperate escape. Unfortunately for the brunette, Shadow recovers quickly from the harsh shove and roughly wrenches the rock from the palm of his hand and slams it against the seven year old's head, causing the boy to double over in pain and lay on the grass.

Shadow simply shows no remorse as he throws the rock as hard as he can at the boy on the floor tucking a strand of his messy black hair behind his slightly pointed ear. "Thank god we're moving soon, I'd hate to live on the same street as some useless demon-child." He kicks the boy on the floor once more before heading back towards his own home further down the neighborhood.

But the brunette boy didn't get off the floor, or say anything, or move. He did nothing but lay there crying, tears staining his cheeks as all his gasping breaths made it harder to breathe.

He hoped his brother would come home from the doctor with his mother soon..


I roll over uncomfortably and try to re-bury that memory that played out in my nightmare before realizing that Roy is right outside the room... talking to someone?

It sounds like another desperate conversation over the phone because I can't really hear what he's saying.

"Listen, it'll be alright. He's right here, laying down right now, no you don't have to worry. Look, I know the last thing you want now is to be trapped in their all day so I'll come get you real quick and you can come over for a bit, okay?" I hear now that whoever he's talking to has calmed down and he hangs up.

But the question still remains as to who he was talking to. What were they talking about? He mentioned me, I think. But what could've happened? Okay, I think I'm over thinking again, but I really just don't want Roy to leave me. Although I think it's too late for that.

While I was freaking out I heard him open up the door a crack to check on me. But now the house is quiet and empty, so I'm assuming he's just left.

I get up from his room and try to calm myself down, honestly my thoughts are racing. I take notice of a note he left on the kitchen counter for me, but when I tried to read it everything is so blurred and my head just hurts at my attempt to read the crazy jumble of letters, I eventually stopped and put it back down before it made me feel even more sick.

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