Dark's P.O.V.

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I hold my brother as he quietly quits crying and collapses in my arms. 

Unfortunately the people around us don't have any sense of privacy as they make a crowd, whispering around me and my friends curiously. "Don't you all have anything better to do?" Ike asks with a glare as he stands before us and makes the strangers around us cower. "Yeah, go away!" Marth backs him up.. not as threateningly but still trying.

Eventually the people clear away and I lean my brother on my shoulder trying to carry his body weight while exiting the room. 

"Dark!" I hear my name being called and I turn carefully to see Link walk up to me a bit cautiously. ".. is your brother okay?" He asks softly before offering, "If you want I could carry him for you." 

For a moment I think about what Pit would do, he does seem to be getting closer to this guy.. but he did also just break down crying a few minutes ago, so I don't really want him to think he's too much of a burden, which he will if he finds out I had to have someone else carry him for me. "It's fine really." I politely decline his offer with a smile. "I'm glad you care about him so much, but you should really get to your last class before school ends." 

Link nods in understanding and goes back the way he came while I make my way outside. 

Fortunately this school's security is kinda crap, so I make it to the steps outside and sit my brother's head in my lap gently as I pull out my phone. Since there is no possible way to lug Pit all the way home with my noodle-y arms I decide to instead call up someone else I know who is also notoriously known for skipping school, Roy. Also because he's really the only person who knows the full extent of the rather shitty situation our home life is and he won't ask any questions if I ask him for a ride at a moment like this.

Tapping my foot on the pavement I let out a small smile as  the phone stops ringing and Roy answers on the other side with a groggy ¨.. Hello?¨ ¨Hey,¨ I greet him kindly like I always do, ¨So, I know you probably don't want to but.. you mind giving me and my bro a ride real quick?¨ 

¨Let me guess..¨ I can almost hear the eye roll in the way he speaks, ¨Your brother's nearly passed out again?¨ I chuckle and my smile widens as I look downs at Pit's restful face, he's been through a lot lately and it's nice to see him finally rest peacefully. ¨Actually he is completely unconscious this time and I can't carry him all the way home myself.¨ I explain.

¨You should just ask that boyfriend of his for help.¨ Roy teases, but I can hear as he exits his house and locks the door behind him. ¨Don't be like that Roy! You know how upset he feels when you tease him like that..¨ I pout and run my fingers through Pit's soft spikes of light brown hair. He leans into the touch of my hand and I think back to when we were younger and he'd do the same for me when I'd stray into his room late at night awoken from a horribly gore-y nightmare. I'm glad to not be such a burden to him anymore now that things have gone far more downhill than I could ever imagine for him. 

¨I know, I know. Both of you have always been so sensitive..¨ Roy sighs, a bit of an insulting sarcastic tone masking the bit of regretful sorrow in the words. ¨I'm on my way, just wait for a bit.¨ He finishes and gives me a quick goodbye before hanging up.

A/N: Firstly ohmygosh I think this is the first time Iv'e ever actually revised a chapter and I apologize for that. And yes the next few chapters won't be in Pit's P.O.V. cause.. well I may be pretty evil but like my boy has been through so much, I'm not that mean.

.. probably. >:)

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