Everything quiets down

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Before even stopping to hear protest I angrily left the safety of the room and made sure to shut the door behind me before standing beside the officer lady. 

"Ma'am please we have to get this story, it's only right to follow up, the people deserve to know what's happening-" The news reporter in the red pantsuit stopped ranting her useless bullshit to the officer once I came up and glared daggers at her bitchass self. "Oh, you're one of sons of the man who was just detained, correct? Can you tell us more about what happened in the room with your father and what all this has to do with your brother's accident?" The blonde cop seemed disgusted and surprised that such words could come out of a person's mouth, and honestly I agreed.

I shoved the news reporter's crap quality microphone out of my face before giving her cameraman a death glare and crossing my arms. "So, do you just report on less fortunate people's poor, ruined, lives now or what? Because honestly none of us asked for you and all your shittyass viewers to come intrude on our already fucked up lives and what, Make things worse? Honestly you're all terrible fucking idiots and you what dumbasses fail to realize is that stories like these aren't fucking interesting and only ruin the lives of those you put on your idiotic shit show."

And the looks on their faces when I finished ranting. "You- you do realize that was all just said on live T.V. and will offend a lot of people... right?" The news reporter tried to keep her voice low, but I really didn't give a single fuck at the moment.

"And you realize that you're all being so fucking insensitive-" I snapped at her and turned to meet the blonde officer's serious expression. "Excuse me folks but ,despite his phrasing, this boy is right. What you are all doing is insensitive to and unappreciated by all those involved and to continue on when already being asked to give up this pursuit would be terribly inconvenient and hurtful towards everyone here. It's gotten to the point where someone involved in the case has told you off and not to mention that the police have this handled. Now please vacate the premises or I'll have to request back up to escort you out, with force.." oh shit she sounded like she meant business.

Finally the asshole camera crew left the scene and I turned to give the blonde beside me a tired. "Thank you..." She took in my appearance for a bit before giving me a sympathetic smile. "No problem kid, I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this when you're probably still in highschool. But you know what, you got balls, you handled yourself really cool-like when you told off those reporters." I nodded a bit and turned back to her before re-entering the room. "Thanks, but... I'm still gonna have to go testify in the station and courtrooms later.. right?"

The blonde's smile dropped and she shook her head. "Unfortunately kid, it's the only way you can get out of the mess you were born in at this point.."

A/N: wow

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