It all comes crashing down

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"..Pit?" My brother let out my name tiredly, but in a happy tone. And that's when I broke down crying for real. He let his hands run through my hair as I sobbed and dad absolutely lost it.

"No! Get up you useless shit, you're not allowed to be forgiven after this time!" He kicked my aching body and Dark gave him a look of protest. "Dad, sto-" And that's about times the scream started. It came from outside the room and what scared me the most is that it was Robin's tear-stained face I saw in the now open doorway. "I-I'm sorry.." His statement was directed at me and before I could ask what it meant all hell was let loose.

"EVERYBODY FREEZE!" The officer nearly bumped into the fragile looking Robin before Ike quickly snatched him out of the way as him and two other cops burst into the room.

"W-what?" I panicked as my brother's hand tensed and my dad let out a quiet "shit". Our friends were huddled together by the door each with a heavy worry between them all. "Sir," they turned to my dad, "We're gonna have to ask you and your son to come with us down to the station to get this all sorted." He spoke calmly, I'm assuming to not piss off my Father. But it didn't work, he was pissed. 

"THESE ARE MY DAMN KIDS, I DIDN'T DO SHIT AND I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!-" He kept shouting out at the three officers and went nearly batshit crazy when one was forced to detain him. "I HAVE MY RIGHTS DAMNIT-" I was terrified at the thought of what they were going to do with my brother and I.

I felt his hand go limp and nearly had a heart attack before turning to check on my brother. "Dar-" "Don't move." The female officer with tied-up blonde hair ordered me with a calm understanding tone in her voice, but my eyes drifted down toward my tired looking twin anyway. "I'm fine.." Dark gave me a small smile as if to ease my concern and let out a yawn.




After my father was removed from the building the female officer from before stayed behind outside the room and was polite enough to give us privacy as our friends were allowed in.

"Pit I'm so sorry, I-i shouldn't have agitated him, I should've said something sooner!" Robin's words fluttered out his mouth in a panic as he made his way over to me. I sat beside the now fast asleep Dark and let out a confused, "What??" Roy came up behind me to look over at Dark while both Marth and Link checked my newly developed bruises and re-opened cuts. "That's gonna scar over all over again.." Marth grimaced as Roy joined the other two in making sure I was okay and Ike ran his hand through his dark blue hair.

Robin takes a deep breath before looking down with his fists clenched and his eyes hurt. "B-before we saw him in here I went to use the bathroom and your dad was in the hall.. he- He grabbed me by the arm and pulled so hard.." he confessed as tears dripped from his eyes and we all gave him confused glances of concern, besides Dark and surprisingly Ike.

He wiped at his face, muffling his words a tiny bit, as he continued. "H-he thought I was Dark for a second and I panicked, I slapped him and ran off, If I would've known- I-I'm sorry!" He choked out and grasped onto the sleeves of his shirt tightly and hiccuped. The others... didn't really know what to do at the moment, and honestly neither did I.

I outstretched my arms and pulled him into a hug that took him a while to lean into. "I-I'm sorry..." he continued to sob as my sweater was stained with tears, but at this point I didn't really mind too much.

Both Robin and I began to doze off, still sitting on the edge of a bed in each other's embrace, when sudden commotion came from outside the room and the voice of that security lady sounded to be struggling. Ike, Marth, Roy, and Link had paused to look over at me as I let go of Robin and made my way over to the door.

I was hella pissed with the sight outside.

Right out the door there was a camera crew of people who were being detained by a poor, single, police officer as they held their cameras up high.

Same as Usual (Pit x Link)Where stories live. Discover now