Another night of hell

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A small red car pulls up in the driveway of an old sad-looking house and I step out as soon as it's stopped. "Thanks for the ride." I thank Roy, still carrying my brother a bit. 

He doesn't smile like usual, but he does respond. "Are you sure you guys wouldn't be safer at my house?" Roy asks nervously. "I mean.. you two could just stay with me for a while longer just in case.." I shake my head and decline his offer sadly. "Roy, I'm sorry.." I look towards the door away from the sad look in my friend's eyes. "If we aren't home before him you know Pit will just get hurt more.." 

"Yeah.." Roy sighs, "But what about you?" 

I don't answer. "I'll see you tomorrow." he says seriously as he begins to drive off, even some like Roy couldn't joke about something like this..




I laid my brother in his room an hour ago, and now the hell begins. Confession time. The truth is, my dad doesn't beat me like he does my brother, and both Pit and Roy know it. 

I know I'll never be able to understand the pain he's going through, but I wan't to end.. for the both of us. 

I can hear him now, checking to see if we've come home yet. He always enters my brother's room first, thank goodness he's now asleep so he won't get hurt again. But I can't help but worry as I hear the footsteps near closer to my door. "..Honey?" he calls sweetly through the door as if he wouldn't have just hurt my brother on the off chance that Pit was still awake. 

I don't answer, but he steps in anyway. He sits behind me and places a hand on my leg comfortingly. "Hard day at work?" He asks softly and leans into me a little, he reeks of alcohol. I shake my head sadly and lay down. 

Unfortunately for me he joins right behind me and runs a hand through my black hair. It's disgusting. It reminds me of the day my hair faded, naturally white.. 

I ended up awake a day or two later in Pit's room feeling as if I were half dead. Pit helped me and bandaged up all the scars and bruises our dad left and now he never dares let me forget to keep up with dying my hair. 

It's the only thing that keeps me safe.. It's the only thing I'm missing to look like our mother...

I could feel the tears welling in my eyes as I'm yanked back into the horrible present of my own father wrapping his arm around my waist as passes out from all the drinks he's probably downed. I want to run away, I wan't to escape, but I can't.

Me and my brother are stuck. And if either of us leave.. the other will die.

A/N: ..Sorry.

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