The morning after

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Waking up I found myself tossed onto the floor.

Unfortunately it was already far later than I usually wake up and if I didn't get up now i'd be late for school. Goddamn did my left arm hurt, thinking back to last night it was repeatedly kicked and stepped on i'd say I had a pretty clear idea as to why exactly it was hard to move.

"Hey Pit, we need to leave soon!" Dark knocks on my door politely and calls out to me. ".. Okay.." I answer stand up pitifully and open the bathroom door. Immediately walking in I notice the huge ass broken mirror and red stains smearing the rim of the sink. 

"Alright," I sighed staring at the cracks in my broken, beaten, battered reflection, "Let's fucking go."




Getting ready this morning was probably one of the worst fucking feeling things i'll do all day. "I'm ready." I tell Dark as I walk out of my bedroom. "Pit, you need to eat you kn-" Dark stops lecturing me as he looks at the bandaged wrappings on my arms, neck, and face. He knew what happened, It happens quite a lot and it's happened to him too. ".. let's fucking go." I repeat and looked out the door.

I wasn't even fucking hungry anyway.

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