Tears fall harder than raindrops

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We burst through the doors shortly after parking outside and making our way into the hospital. I couldn't stop shaking as Roy begged the lady from before to let us through this instant. Bad things were gonna happen from all this and I could just tell. What's gonna happen to my brother? What's gonna happen to my friends?

Only time could tell, but I didn't have that time to waste. As soon as we were allowed through we raced to the room in a panic. Our friends were outside and to say they were terrified would be an understatement, Robin looked absolutely mortified and held onto Ike tightly as they hid away from the view of the room's inside. Link stopped us as we arrived and spoke as comforting as he could though you could still hear the fear in his voice. "So far the guy hasn't hurt him or anything but he is acting really strange, do you guys know him..?" He questions hopefully and I swallow the lump in my throat as Roy nods.

Roy shoots me a look almost as if he wants my permission to let them all know. Then again, who cares if they all hate me after he tells them, right? They wouldn't be the first, and they most definitely won't be the last so...

But the thing is, they're not just my friends, they're Dark's. And I know he would be absolutely devastated to lose people like this so close to him. I inhaled a sharp breath before continuing, I had to do this, I had to tell them. Too many people have done too much for me, and I just have to do this one thing on my own. "...Promise you won't judge us?" The sentence came out more unsure than I wanted, but they all nodded anyway as Roy shot me a surprised look, he knew I was gonna tell them but he probably also knew how much I didn't want to. "He's... our dad." I choked out the last two words in a struggle.

I panicked at the sounds of their surprised gasps and I braced myself, readying myself for the words of disapproval or disgust. But it was an utter surprise when Robin was the first to reach over and hug me, he was still shaky and let go as soon and Marth and Link joined, but Ike just stood there observing. "None of this is fucking okay." Ike spits out and shakes his head. Before given a chance to be interrupted by the other four he continued. "You shouldn't have to be afraid of your own father and worry what he's gonna do everytime you see him."

Honestly I was most surprised, I didn't think he would actually care. "U-um, guys." Robin spoke up for the first time and I almost didn't recognize his voice due to the uncharacteristically uneasy and quiet tone. We all turned our attention to where he was looking and I felt a stab at my heart from the sight.

Dad reached his way over Dark's body and tears leave his eyes as he grasps my brother's hand. But the thing is, he doesn't see my brother, he sees my mom. He sees her dying, he could care less about us but the thought of losing her again is something to real to bare.

"Dad..." I whisper under my breath and cower to the opposite end of the hallway. Looks are exchanged and Roy frowns at me. "Pit, you don't have to feel bad for him, none of this is your fault." But I can't respond, somehow this is my fault. Before too, when mom died.

I began walking toward the door subconsciously and was stopped by hand on my arm. It was Link. "Are you sure you should go in there?" He asked, the most serious I've seen him since I met him.

I wasn't so sure anymore, part of me knew he wouldn't want me there.. but the other part wants to be there for my dad, no matter how much he hurts me. "No... but I'm going anyway." I looked away from Link's gaze as he released me and opened the door reluctantly.

A/N: I'm so sorry for being gone for so long and I'm trying my best to let out these newer chapters on time, also the next like four parts were written over a course of different days, probably mostly when I was exhausted on a 17 hour bus ride, so if there are a bunch of mistakes or I mess up somehow please let me know :)

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