You help

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Pushing myself away I feel my breath hitch. My airways close and there's a whole damn fire behind my eyes.

"Hey I- are you okay?" Someone asks gently in a worried tone behind me. I want to tell him to shut up and leave me alone, but I can't seem to form coherent sentences at the moment. "n-n..o.." I try to speak but instead break into a coughing fit. 

"Please, let me help.." 

Shaking my head furiously I double over and try to breathe in. "d-d...on ..touch.. mm-" I warn him despite the obvious struggle it is to remain conscious. 

Blatantly ignoring my instructions he picks me up in a gentle manner and cradles me towards his body. 

"I'm sorry." He apologizes and books it back down the hallway we came from. 




Finding myself slumped over in a chair wasn't exactly how I believed I'd find myself regaining consciousness. And what's even worse, I could hear the school's nurse talking to what sounded like the damn idiot who carried me here.

Standing carefully a feeling of lightheadedness washes over me. "Sit back down." The nurse orders as I stumble forward. "... I'm fine.." I glared at the man looking down on me, but instead of standing on my own I lean to the left as far as I can. 

"Seriously Angelface that was bad, even for you."  Before I can respond I hear a voice above me. "Angelface?" That blonde dope asks and I realize with sudden horror that I was subconsciously using him as a crutch this whole time. 

I look down and feel my throat close again, but something about this feeling changes. I scoff as I try to push myself off of his chest, "It's a nickname dumbass. As for why, I don't know ask the stupid old guy." I point to the only adult with raven hair in the room. 

Giving me a glance the old guy just sighs. "Look, the kid's awake now. You mind walking him home? I'd call the parents, but they hardly ever pick up." I look away as he asks the tall ass blonde. Shit. I can't have him over to my house, knowing him he'd probably run his damn mouth and tell everyone that the guy who kicks everyone's ass is.. is...

"Don't bother." I snap at them while they're talking about me as if I wasn't there. I find my dark blue book bag somewhere on the floor and pick it up as I step out of the room. "I'm fucking leaving." I walk faster making it a point to make sound with each step even if it strained my body and made me feel more tired than I already was. And I was almost home free until I heard an annoyingly familiar voice saying goodbye to the superintendent by the door. 

I stop walking right outside the doors and look down as he catches up to me. 

"Hah, wow you walk fast." He smiles and his thick, fluffy hair flutters in the breeze. I look at him and my face goes red, but why? Why does this damn idiot always capture my attention so much? 

"Let's go!" He offers his hand to me. 

For some reason, instead of just walking by him and shoving his hand away I grab onto his wrist and turn him around. "This way." The ends of my lips tug upward into the smallest of smiles that I haven't used in the longest time. 

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