Questions need answers

172 6 10

And that's how I spent the night at a police station..

Like any normal person would be you'd think I'd be internally freaking out, but not really. I had Roy with me and the others were safe in thier homes, excluding Dark who was of course still in the hospital..

"... Are you sure you're doing okay?" Roy turned to me and felt my face for the tenth-thousand time yet again. Honestly I was feeling better, but with me who knew if that was a good thing seeing as after all this I'll still be returning to school. "I'm fine, just thinking everything over again." I reassured the redhead beside me and crossed my legs in the uncomfortable, cushioned, seats in the police station's waiting room. "What exactly do you have on your mind right now?" Roy tilted his head a bit and I hesitated.

I don't want to be dishonest with him, but truthfully I also don't want him to worry so much about the biggest thing stressing me right now.. well more like second or third biggest, but still. "Robin," I sighed, "didn't you see how terrified he was back when we were at the hospital? I'm honestly extra peeved with my dad for hurting him like that." Roy looked thoughtful for a moment before leaning his head on my shoulder. "Yeah, the kid always did seem kind of fragile to me.. But you know what? It's weird." "Hm?" I turn my attention to the small teasing smile he gives me and his answer leaves me irritated. "It's weird how even with everything going on in your life right now you always find someone else to worry about over you.. You're just a big sweetheart like that, I guess." Roy shrugs it off like it were nothing and my face goes red.

"Yeah right, saying I'm sweet is like saying a cactus is soft. Get your skull checked, Roy!" I stick my tongue out at him and the gesture is returned, both of us laughing off our sentimental moment like good friends do. That is, of course, until a tall serious looking cop with red-ish/green-ish hair enters, the blonde lady from earlier behind him, and gives me a glance. "Pit Icarus, I'm assuming?" He asks with a deep rugged voice that sounds as if he were some kind of video game villain. I nod and he gives the female officer a glance.

"Hey kid. Remember me?" I nodded and the blonde smiled. "The name's Samus Aran, from now on I'll personally handle your case, so any questions you have go to me." I was a bit relieved to know that I knew the officer that I'd probably be seeing pretty often from now on. But that relief quickly ended when I heard Roy let out a "hey" and turned to see him being ushered out by the bulky male officer with wild hair. "W-wait where is he-" "Sorry kid, but it'd go by smoother if we escort this one out of here and..." he kept saying something about law and sense of privacy but I quit listening. I felt like a coward wanting my friend to stay with me, but without Roy here I honestly don't think I could face my dad on my own.

"Sir, I understand what you're saying, but I have to be here for him!" Roy reasons with the guy as I exit my zoned out trance and the worry settles in harder. What if they weren't gonna let him stay? What if I had to do this on my own and I wasn't strong enough? My hands started to shake and I begged them to stop.

I can't panic now, I have to be strong.

"Oh my god Hades, it's really not that big a deal." The blonde officer, Samus, walks up to her co-worker and places a hand on the large man's shoulder. With a sigh he glances at me and groans, "Damn teenagers are so dramatic.." He stalks off and disappears around a corner.

I sigh in relief and Roy comes up to pat me on the back. "Thank you ma'am." He thanks Ms. Aran and she gives us a warm smile. "What's with the ma'am? I'm not much older than you guys, just call me Samus, alright?" We nod and my nerves were eased. "Thanks, Ms. Samus" I tease and she rolls her eyes playfully.

"Umm, Samus?" The voice comes from behind us and when and comes from another r̶e̶l̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶c̶c̶  man who I've never seen before. "Hey, Snake!" Samus smiles out to the other male officer and he eyes both Roy and I nervously.

Snake clears his throat and pushes up the tied-up bandana keeping his hair out of his face a bit. "Hey, the chief said it was time for questioning and that we had to use interrogation room five.."

"Room five?" Samus asks in an annoyed tone and groans when Snake gives her a nod. "Why room five, does the chief not have any brains?" With a shrug of his shoulders Snake sneaks back to the b̶o̶x̶  place he came from. After he was gone Roy and I gave her a questioning glance and I spoke up. "What's so bad about interrogation room five..?" I asked and tried to shake away the extra uneasiness now settling in me at having to tell them everything. 
Samus looks down a hall with a pair of big doors and sighs. "There's nothing wrong with it, it's just... the room's on the other side of the hall where some of the more violent male prisoners are held, and let me tell you, some of them are way more other things than they are crime."

I let out a "What?" As Roy went, "Ohh..." which makes me feel like an idiot because I didn't understand what she meant and now they both gave me a glance. "What does other things mean?" I ask and Roy looks at Samus rather nervously. "You know..." She trails off and rubs the back of her neck uncomfortably. I don't even have to shake my head before she orders for Roy to cover my ears on our way down the hallway.

A/N: sorry for not updating yesterday, but this is all i'll be able to put out for the next to days because first of all I have a bunch of schoolwork to get done, and second tomorrow is the actual Language arts STAAR test (which I have not studied for, so that's wonderful) well, till next time

I love ya'll, bye-bye :)

Same as Usual (Pit x Link)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن