The flooding makes room for all

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A/N: So, before I begin this chapter I just want to say something very quickly...

A/N: So, before I begin this chapter I just want to say something very quickly

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ALSO, props to my buddy, my Table, who texted me the other day and let me know or else I would have not known any of this-


(Now here's a relatively eventful chapter in the P.O.V. of Roy) :)

All I could do was stand beside him and comfort Pit as we both stood alone in a bathroom and he fought for his breath back. He wheezed out a few breaths shakily before letting out a few coughs again.

I rubbed the top of his back gently and let him lean towards my chest as his breathing finally calmed. "Pit, please. We have to go see a doctor or something.. If not you'll just get worse." It was true this morning it seems he was recovering by a lot, but around noon he suddenly was worse than before and I didn't know what I was supposed to do at all.

His half-lidded eyes gave me an apologetic glance while he just shook his head. ".. too tired." He rasped out and attempted to stand. With a sigh I held him closer to me and felt his face for what feels like the hundredth time. And once again his forehead was burning.

"Come on, you can go lay down.." I led him towards my room and elevated his upper body as I laid him down. It seemed easier for him to breath this way and it was much simpler when I tried to get him to drink some water. I wet a rag and placed it atop his reddened face, hoping it would reduce the fever of his that's slowly being spiked over time. Don't get me wrong, I care about Pit and want to help him, but I have no idea if I should be the one taking care of him at this point.. Dark was always better at helping him then I was to be honest. I have no idea what I should do.

For right now I left the room to let him rest and sat down in the living room, wondering what I could make Pit eat. The entire two days he was here he's only eaten one meal so far. I did feed him of course, but he only finished, and kept down, one for breakfast this morning.

Suddenly a knock sounded at the door and I was surprised to find our friends, Robin, Marth, Ike, and Link each stood outside the door. "Hey guys, what are you doing here..?" I questioned them a bit confused. Marth gave me a smile and explained, "We were all planning to check on Dark today to see how he was doing, and we figured the two of you would want to join us, so we came over to pick you guys up." I tried to decide what we should do until I heard movement coming from the bedroom. Which meant Pit was either moving around or waking up, and either of those could mean he's having a nightmare.

I shook my head and turned to the others a bit worried about both Pit and Dark but decided it'd be better if we just stayed here. "Sorry guys, Pit's a bit worse than yesterday and I don't think he should go anywhere today. I wanna make sure he gets better soon." "Makes sense." Ike agreed while Robin nodded his head. They all seemed a bit down but Link gave me a small reassuring smile. "We'll call you and let you know how he's doing after we make it there." He promises and with that they were off.




I sat beside Pit on my couch as the sounds of laughter plays from the TV in my living room. His fever had calmed down when he woke up a while ago, and knowing he'd still be tired I decided we should just hang out a while.

The show we were watching was pretty entertaining, and it caught both of our attentions as it played a scene of fhe gay married couple accidentally locking their daughter in their car. I was laughing out as one dad threatened to break the window and the other had to specify that the man was his husband to the 911 operator he'd called. "Roy.." Pit's voice caught my attention as soon as the scene ended and the show cut to commercials. "What do think about.. you know... gay people?" He seemed unsure of his question and a bit scared with what my answer will be.

"They're people." I answered immediately, but didn't really know how to continue. I never really thought about the differences between people who were and weren't straight so It was kind of a strange question. "The gender of who you love doesn't really matter as long as the love is real and healthy, right?" I turned to him, but he didn't meet my gaze.

Then it hit me, I'd never really stopped to consider the possibility of one of my long time best friends being gay, then again I guess it wouldn't really change the way I see him. Kinda like Marth who's still Marth, no matter who he was born as.

I looked over at his nervously smiling face before popping the question. "Pit, are you.. are you gay?" His smile shrunk as he tilted his head in thought. "I- I really don't know... maybe?" He answers confused. And I gave him a warm smile. "You're still you Pit, even if you do have the hots for some dude." I told him. He lit up and seemed about to say something before the ringtone of my cellphone went off in my pocket and made us both jump. "..Who is it?" Pit asked as I held it out in my hand. Robin's contact showed him trying to call and I answered Pit before turning my attention to the call, "It's just Robin, probably gonna let us know how Dark is doing."

As soon as I answered all I heard on the other side was our friends frantically whispering. "Um, hello. Robin?" I called out the boy's name and the others sound relieved at the sound of my voice. "Roy, you gotta get here quick, we all came to see Dark and he's still unconscious but there's this guy. None of us know who he is we've never seen him before-" I panicked as thoughts raced through my head, whatever was happening could not be good and I could hardly think straight.

"PIT, GET YOUR COAT ON WE HAVE TO GO NOW." I barked the order to him and rushed around looking for my keys. Instead of asking questions Pit quickly, though a bit shakenly, complied and followed me out the door once I was ready to go.

Honestly I don't even know if I locked my room door or not. But as we hop into my car, nothing matters more than making it to the hospital.. now. I sped through the street, hopefully not too above the speed limit, and I swung a left Pit let out a shaky question. "W-what happened, Is everything o-okay??" His voice matched his expression, worried and frantic, as he fumbled with his seatbelt and I answered him with a serious glance...

"It's, your dad."

Same as Usual (Pit x Link)Where stories live. Discover now