chapter 41

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Imani POV
the baby is soon to be here I'm soo excited we have everything ready for the baby's arrival and I'm soo happy ever since I got pregnant Lucifer has been very VERY protective of me I think he's overly cautious he won't let me walk down the stairs by myself because I might slip and fall so he carries me down the stairs I'm not allowed to cook or go near a stove he even started working from home because according to him 'I don't want anything to happen to you or my baby so I have to be close and watch u at all times'

Even when we go to bed he pulls me close ..very close and holds me rubbing my stomach and he places pillows around the edge of the bed because he cant have me falling of the bed and then the worst part is I cant even go shopping because so many things to go wrong and he doesn't want to risk it I just sighed and walked away

Today we are scheduled for a check up and as usual he Carrys me into the car so I don't bump my head I mean for christ sake. We get to the hospital and Lucifer Carrie's me out again we wait till we get called in and we go see the doctor he does an ultrasound checking on the baby then I see a frown on the doctors face "doc is there something wrong"

"No mame its actually good news" he said I and Lucifer looked at eachother waiting for him to say the news when Lucifer got impatient "well are u going to fucking tell us or sit there looking fucking stupid" I smacked his arm glaring at him and he gave me a 'what' look I sighed and the doctor said it looks like your having more than one baby"

"Well wtf we only prepared for one dammit doc why u had to find out when I'm 8 months in" he just smiled wiping the jelly of my stomache and we went to the mall to get some extra baby things since well u know and then we went home but we stopped by McDonald's cause that's what I was craving

It's getting closer and closer to the day I'm preparing myself for labor anytime soon I and Lucifer are nervous we but a bag in the car with everything we're going to need for when the time comes but for now I told Lucifer I wanted to go to hibachi grill and he jumped up immediately grabbing his keys we get there and we eat once we get in the car and he starts the car I feel a slight pain in my lover region and feel a liquid rolling down my leg "Lucifer its time" he looked at me for a moment trying to thing..."fucking clueless idiot the baby is comingggggg" he started panicking starting the car driving with one hand and holding my hand with the other I let out a scream as the pain got even worse

"Hurry the fuck up you fucking idiot" he held my hand "hang in there baby we're almost there ok" I groaned squizing his hand "ahhh baby my hand your hurting me"

"Well how would you like to have a big ass head coming out your dick that dont sound nice huh does it" I yelled at him he pulled up on front of the hospital as the nurses came out with a wheelchair helping me in they changed me into a hospital gown before placing me in a room "hang in there mame the doctor will be here soon"

"Well tell your fucking doctor that if he doesn't hurry the fuck up and come get this beutiful human out of me I'm going pluck his fucking eyes balls out and feed it to him" I yelled at the nurse and she ran out in fear going to get the doctor "you dont have to be so mean baby" I glared at Lucifer as I felt another contraction screaming "fuck youuuuu"

"Okay mame are you ready" the doctor said walking in and I felt more contraction pains "hurry the fuck upppp" the doctor got between my legs as they gave me an oxygen mask to breath I held onto Lucifer hand "alright mame I need you to push" and I did with all my might screaming at the top of my lungs "alright one more time"

"I'm fucking pushing you bastard" I screamed at the doctor and he looked at me in fear like he was gonna cry as I pushed harder and heard the cry of baby "okay mame the second baby is coming I'm gonna need you to push some more"

"Tell me to push one more time and your fucking eyeballs will be down your throu-ahhhh" I screamed as I pushed again "one more" i pushed as hard as I could and then the cries of my baby could be heard and u slumped back breathing hard.

Lucifer POV
Finally that's fucking over I was scared for my life she had a deathly grip on my hand i think she broke a few bones when did she get that strong but most importantly my beautiful babies are here ohh i cant wait to spoil them with love "here are your baby boys" he said heading the babies to imani as she smiled tears welling up I her eyes as she admired them "thier so beutiful" I said admiring the beutiful humans I created "what do you want to name them" I asked and she looked at me smiling "how about Luke for the elder and Lucas for the youngest" I smiled accepting "can I hold them" I asked smiling like a little kid who just saw candy "of course you can thier your kids too" i smiled picking them up and admiring the beutiful babies I made and falling in love with them even more the nurses came and took the babies away to check them and make sure everything was ok while I stayed admiring how beutiful my woman was

I kissed her sweaty forehead "you did well baby I love you" she smiled her eyes closed "I love you too"she said grabbing my hand as I winced a little "what's wrong" she asked she even worries about me on a day like this I couldn't feel more loved "well someone kinda crushed my fingers" she giggled and I smiled wiping the hairs that stuck to her forehead "stay here baby let me go get you something to eat you must be hungry" she nodded and I left to McDonald's and ordered her some chicken nuggets "something great must be going on with you sir you've been smiling like crazy since you walked in here" I smile kindly at the waiter "yes I'm a father now my wife just had a baby" he smiled congratulating me and gave me a free big mac telling me to take care of her and I said thank you leaving once I got back the babies were back and sound asleep and imani just watched them

"I got you food" she smiled making crabby hands as I handed it to her watching her enjoy her meal she handed me a burger but I refused "you eat you put in all that hard work so eat and regain your strength" she only smiled eating her meal as I sat there like a creep watching her feeling like the happiest man alive because I am I have a beutiful wife and lovely lovely children what more could I ask for in this life.

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