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Sitting there i watched as imani slept she looked so calm,and peaceful she looked like an angel her lips look so full so plump placing my hands on her cheeck i ran my hands down her face slowly getting up i sat beside her on the bed making sure not to hurt her i admried her face.

I cant beleive i was foolish enough to push her away i could have been waking up to this beautiful face but i pushed her away like a caword but its for her own good if i let her get to close shell gat hurt and the last thing i want is to see her get hurt because i was foolish looking at her sleep she looked so angelic slowley leaning down i placed a kiss on her forehead holding it for a few seconds then pulling away and sitting back in my seat i held her hand placing my head on the bed i felt my eyes dropping and eventually i went to sleep.

I felt some movement and heard a slight groan jumping up immediatly i saw imani trying to get up from bed quickly getting up i helped her sit up "you shouldn't doing that imani you might open one of your stitches" she pulled her arm away i felt that same bang in my chest when she did that but agsin i ignored it "im gonna be fine sir its nothing i cant handle" why cant she just say that she's hurting why does she do that all the time i can tell shes hurting but why wont she let anyone help her why wont she show how she really feels something has to have happened but...what

"No imani i want to help you your hurt" adjusting her arm "i said I'm  fine i dont need your help sir" she said with a frowm evident on her face she was slowly getting angry

Pushing the blanket away she attempted to get out of bed but the cast on her arm wasn't letting her i tried helping her but she glared at my arm "where are you going imani" she only ignored me still attempting to get outta bed getting irritated i picked her up carfully making sure not to hurt her "stop being so damn hard headed woman and tell me where your going" she glared at me and mumbled the bathroom.

Walking to the restroom i placed her down at the door and she limped her way into the bathroom and after a few minutes she walked back out as i attempted picking her up again she placed her hands out stopping me "i dont need you to help me get anywhere" she walked out but she went to the room door.

"Imani you just got in a damn car accident snd you still trynna roam your ass around sit yo ass the fuck down" ignoring me she kept walking we got to a few stairs yeahh aont no way shw can go now she gone bust her ass but i was soo wrong she started going up but how she was walking was so cute and adorable she lookes like a duck walking up the stairs i let out a light chuckle  she turned around glaring at me she reached the top of the stares and flipping me off she turned around and kept walking.

Ugh how dare her running after her i quickly caught up with her and gently picked her up bridal style and walking back to our room she struggled and struggled and tried hitting my chest but them was baby hits i ate them shits.

"Put me the fuck down lucifer" smirking playful i acted like i was gonna drope her but didnt she lightly screamed at me hitting my shoulder kicking the hospital door open i walked over bed placing her down gently i hovered above her  "you mind repeating what u did back there"

"N-no now get off me" pushing me off her i got up and stood watching her try to get out of bed i helped her up and she glared at me "i need to call someone" she said adjusting herself "who"

"That's nun of your bussiness sir" whats with her calling me 'sir' again i love the way my name rolls of her tounge it turnes me on but id rather she call me DADDY .

"Well its possible your phone was broken in the crash i think you'll need a new one" sighing loudly she placed her head in her hands "you know i would get you a new phone but you already have your boyfriend to do that for you" she looked at me scrounching her eyebrows together looking confused "and who is this boyfriend of mine if i may i ask"

"The one you got in the car crash with" she looked me up and down and just started laughing the hell wrong with her "sir you are extremely wrong about that he's my friend thats what happenes when you poke your nose in other peoples bussiness" and then all of a sudden her face turned into a conserned and worried face like she just rememvered something really important "oh my god joshua where is he, is he okay,god im such a bad friend i forgot about him "dont worry about him for now you need to heal before you worry about others"

Glaring at her i sat down next to her and just looked at her i didnt realize i was starring till she lightly coughed bringing me out of my transe "why are you starring at me like that sir is something wrong" looking into her eyes i studied her eyes they were dark brown they where the typical eye color but they where so beautiful to me "why do you call me 'sir' instead of my first name"

"Beacuse your my boss and it would be inappropriate of an emoloyee to call her boss by his first name"

"Well if that's the case then your fired".

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