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Your 5th rib received the hit of something beyond 742 pounds. But your 6th rib was slightly fractured when you attempted to stop that box.

The human body can hold the weight of 400 pounds if it's slowly increased to that expectation. But with a broken 5th rib puncturing your lung is what makes breathing hard which resulted in you coughing out blood.

The body relies on oxygen if certain parts of the body do not receive oxygen than you will find some of those parts hard to control. Now when you attempted to stop that box your 6th rib that was already fractured could not withstand the pressure.


Your strength is something not to be questioned but this man Lucci. For now you will have to believe in him saying that box injured him. Despite him being on his back and being able to stop it. You will assume the others pulled you out and helped Lucci.

But the only way you can accept it is by investigating it yourself. Who were those people from last night? Such coincidence that Lucci is bandaged up after you fought off those people last night. But something else fought off Katakuri last night, demolishing everything.

As far as you know Lucci will not tell you anything.

Lucci lingers on top of you seeing you won't give in on what he will say.

At first this seemed fun but if you become a problem perhaps even expose him, he will have to silence you in someway.

( My baby kitten. I'm not the little boy you knew me as. I am a different man, and perhaps someday we will get to know each other better.  

I just know I taught you everything to survive but you abandoned us, abandoned me.)

His hand caressed your cheek the warm touch made your eyes look up into his. This man wasn't the Lucci who raised you this man is seen as a cold-hearted killer who will kill the weakest ones

Resting your hand on his chest you felt his heart the way it thumped with you underneath him. The rhythm was so welcoming you felt comfort from him. Just at this moment you didn't suspect him of anything you just wanted to enjoy this moment. Moment of comfort.

Lucci caressed your bottom lip with his thumb.

Black eyes looking into yours knowing you feel what he feels. It's in your memory somewhere, it's in you. Knowing what you feel for him is deep within you.

It's obvious what his intentions are but you would rather die than fall in love with someone like this. Yet you felt comfortable around him. As if you knew him for a long time, his actions didn't make you uncomfortable. It was a tranquility that seemed to melt you beneath him.

Yes he saved your life but you still have that sick feeling in your gut. Finding out who is even capable of fighting up against Katakuri to the point he may not return. You have to get rid of the threat. Someone on this island knew you were going to meet up with Katakuri and they did not want you to leave.

Lucci smirks as Hattori speaks. "Now may I ask you something?" Grabbing his wrist you stop him from caressing your bottom lip.

"What is it?"

Lucci moves his arm resting it above your head his face inches away from yours.

If it weren't for that box falling and him saving you to only make the excuse that he's in the hospital because he saved you from the box you wouldn't be this suspicious of him.

But that box, that box is covering him up completely.  Now that he has his own alibi he can get more information on your situation.

"You were injured before that box fell on you. Mind telling me what happened?" Grinding your back molars from his question that seemed to turn the tables. "That is not of your concern. I thank you for saving me but mind your own damn business."

Lucci smirks his eyes glaring into yours and you hear an inhuman growl from him. "Yet you question me saving you."

Keeping yourself strong staring him back in his eyes refusing to submit. All the things he can do to you right now seemed to awaken a hunger inside him. It feels so damn right having you beneath him like this.

Those cold dark eyes turned to an orange color that caught you off guard. The curtains slide open and the nurse gasps. "Oh! I'm sorry."

Lucci and you both look at her shocked expression.

"Uhm a Paulie is looking for you miss." Shoving Lucci off you he fights you back wanting you to stay. "Stay!" He growls out angrily his dark eyes burning into your soul. The desperation of clinging on to you.

Shaking your head you shove him off. "What's your problem?" Walking off quickly only to flinch from the sting of your rib. "Please be careful! The stitches will open if you rush too much." Shaking you follow her leaving Lucci alone in bed with his hands clenched into fists.

"Paulie." He says with fanged teeth as he tossed his sheets to get dressed.

Lucci X Yonko Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now