Chapter 13: Him

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Halfdan looked up when the floor squeaked under the weight of the older blacksmith. Olaf was about as tall as Halfdan but his eyes geld more wisdom. His hair started turning grey and it was obvious, that this was gonna be his last raid before he'd retire to his wife. Father like son had their hair braided, only the sun had shaved off half his hair on one side.

"Ragnar wants everyone on the training grounds later to make an announcement.", he said with his raspy voice before turning to Halfdan.  "You went to the other village with Hildegard and Mary yesterday."

Olaf looked Halfdan right in the eyes but he wasn't intimidated.  Halfdan was amused and leaned back on his heels.


"I can't accompany a beautiful woman and her mother to a different village and make sure they're safe?" He said sarcastically.

Olaf glared at him but took a step towards him and held out his hand.

"Thank you for taking care of them. You never know what lurks in the forest."

After their little talk, all three left to go to the training grounds, Ragnar however, wasn't there yet.

Upon spotting him, Halfdan walked towards his brother, who was just talking to the youngest son of Ragnar. Ivar was scowling, nothing unusual on the young viking's face.

"I will not join this raid."

Halfdan stepped up to the two men.

"How are you, brother, and how ist that pretty Lady of yours?" Harald asked him, in hopes to distract not only himself but the mad Viking next to him.

"She's quiet, doesn't have any fight in her. Her mother is such a bother, even more so than the blacksmiths."

Ivar knew immediately who they were talking about. He himself had only talked to Mary a few times, she didn't treat him like less of a man like most people and even gave him something against his constant pain. But Halfdan was right she wasn't a fighter.

"Well, you always got anything you wanted, even women." Harald laughed.

"This one might be a bit more challenging. How about you, Ivar." He turned towards the youngest man.

"As prince and son of Ragnar you must have women throw themselves at you!"

Ivar just glared at him. "Nobody wants a crippled prince." He hated having to call himself that. He was above it and soon the whole world would see it!

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Ivar."

The men turned towards the loud noise, created by Ragnar's arrival. Behind him were his wife and ex-wife. Some villagers came by as well and Halfdan could see Mary standing next to her mother. The wind blew through her red hair, some strands coming loose as Ragnar talked.

"It is time to get ready. We will leave tomorrow and we will show those English people in their pathetic stone castles exactly what we can do!"

The crowd around him cheered, including Harald and Halfdan. All men were eager to raid, to get more riches, murder, and conquer. Halfdan returned Mary's gaze before she turned together with Hildegard and walked towards the direction of their house.

Everyone who was able to helped loading the ships. They stocked the boats with food, drinks, and weapon. Floki had spent his time fixing them, making them hold better against the strong currents of the sea.

The sun was slowly starting to set when everyone was done done and ready to drink and celebrate the night before sailing into the unknown future. As Halfdan walked by his brothers side they saw a pole in the middle of Kattegat. People started to walk towards it and stood in a circle around it.

The brothers pushed to the front and stopped standing next to the sons of Ragnar. Their father was nowhere to be seen, neither his wife or even Mary. Tonight would be a sacrifice to honour the Gods and ask them for their strength and help so they'd conquer without problems.

It didn't take long for something to happen. A man dressed in festive clothes walked first, behind him walked Ragnar, Aslaug and even Mary. All of them wore their best clothes to honour the Gods.

Ragnar bound the man, ready to sacrifice himself, to the pole. This man would die one of the most honourable deaths any Viking could. When he left this world he would wake up in Valhalla. Everyone in Kattegat believed this truth.

Once Ragnar was done he turned towards Mary, who held up the beautifully crafted sword to Ragnar carefully, so it would not touch the ground under any circumstance.

Ragnar started praying to the Gods along with Floki as he cut through the man. The sword slicing through the flesh like through water and the blood poured freely. The people started chanting but Halfdan's eyes were fixed on the red haired woman, who closed her eyes chanting and praying to the pagan Gods.

He couldn't wait to go to her, couldn't stop himself. So when it was time for the big celebration he walked up to her. For the first time during all the months he had stayed here in Kattegat she smiled as he walked towards her. He lead her towards the front of the table were his brother, and the other Royals were sitting. Mary sat opposite of Ivar and immediately addressed him.

"Good evening, my Prince. How are you?"

He stared at her blankly before answering, "Good. How is life treating you?"

"It's been good."

Everyone looked at their exchange. Aslaug was pleased. She enjoyed the friendly, well-mannered woman. Mary had been lucky learning the pagan's traditions and mannerism from Aslaug herself, once her now family freed her.

The night didn't end soon afterwards but dragged on. Halfdan got too drunk to realise anything. He barely noticed when Mary left his side to go home with her brother

It was past dawn when Halfdan woke up and got ready. The hut, he occupied, was close to empty and when he walked outside he saw his brother walking towards him.

"We are about to leave. Are you getting old? Can't handle too much anymire, can you?" Harald laughed and Halfdan punched him playfully.

Everyone stood at the port saying goof-bye to their lived ones. Mary stood by Hildegards side as Halfdan stepped up to her. Hildegard shot him a disapproving glance before stepping away from the two, letting them say good-bye from one another.

Halfdan closed his hands around Mary's round face kissing her thin lips. This time she didn't protest, only placed her hands on his. As he let go of her, her green eyes captured him again.

"I'll see you soon." She told him and he grinned at her before walking towards the boat his brother was already in.

His red-head walked up and stood next to Ivar as the loosened the ropes and got ready to sail away. Halfdan held Mary's gaze until the other had gotten too small to see her anymore.

He turned towards the front, facing the direction of his next adventure.

The Viking and the Witch [Halfdan The Black]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat