Chapter 3: Him

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The sun slowly dissapeared behind the forest behind Kattegat painting the village in a beautiful pink-purple-ish colour. Halfdan streched. After he and his brother went to the Blacksmith they walked around the village mingling with others. Well, Harald did and Halfdan just stood next to his brother impatiently he just wanted to see what this red head had under her dress. I felt his mouth water and pants tightened as he thought of her again. When he couldn't find her he called the thrall from earlier ripping of her dress and pushing her on all fours. Trying to pretend it was the beautiful woman, who's name he had to find out tonight. When he was done with the thrall he emptied himself on the woman's back. Some of the ropes reaching her hair. He got dressed and like earlier he kicked the blond thrall out of the hut. Halfdan walked to the great hall looking for his brother. He found him sitting next to Lagertha. The sons of Ragnar sitting next to her. He sat next to his brother emptying the mead in front of him before turning to watch the drunken Vikings happy to see the red-hair beauty, but his mood was dimmed when he saw her laughing with four men around her. Oh, how much Halfdan wished he had his weapons back. He would gut them for looking at her, laughing with her. His hand curled into a fist and he drank another cup of mead.

Harald felt tension beside him and saw his brother killing the men surrounding the women he saw at the blacksmiths place. He rolled his eyes at his brother. Always so dramatic.

The woman stood up and walked away the Blacksmiths son trailing behind her. Halfdan didn't know what possessed him to stand up and follow them. He stepped outside into the cold of the night. His eyes searching for the soon-to-be dead man and the woman who would warm his bed tonight. He saw them walking towards the Blacksmith's house and walked behind them. He noticed the man was unable to walk straight and had to rely on Halfdan's bed warmer. Once he got close enough he listened to their conversation.

"You know. She is a really great person." The obviously drunk man mumbled, making her laugh. "She is lovely and nice and looks like a Valkerie!"

"I know how great she is and she will love you. Once you are sober. So please help me a bit to get you to bed

"Okay", he said and fell over.

Halfdan wanted to laugh at the drunken man, but stopped himself when he saw the young woman unable to lift him back up.

"Should I help you?", he offered his help as the woman couldn't get the passed out man to wake up again.

She let out a surprised squeal, when she heard his voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you. I can get him, but thanks for the offer." She spoke in the usual pagan language as she struggled to get him up again.

Halfdan grew irritated at her dismissal but went to help her any ways. He threw the man over his shoulder and looked at her.

"Which hut?",  he asked looking in her green eyes.

"This one", she pointed at the one next to the Blacksmith's hut. Both started to walk no words exchanged as they reach the old hut. From outside he could see, that the hut was empty and dark.

When they entered the hut the fireplace lit up.

How did that just happen?

"How did you do that?", he asked the woman.

"What do you mean?", she looked at him seeming genuinely confused.

"How did the fire turn itself on?" Halfdan asked.

"I am sorry..", she trailed of not knowing the warriors name.

"Halfdan. Halfdan the Black." He filled her in and she nodded.

"I am sorry, Halfdan, but I think you drank a bit too much." She told him and motioned him to put the man on a bed. He did as she asked him and placed him down.

Did he drink too much? Wouldn't be the first time. But he was never THAT drunk! He looked at her again, but she didn't pay him any attention, which irritated him. The fire completely forgotten as he watched the red-head placing a blanket over the man.

"Thank you very much, Halfdan." She smiled at him and he was sure that she didn't know him. Otherwise she wouldn't be so calm.

"No Problem. Tell me, what is your name?" He did everything in his power not to push her against the next wall as he walked a bit closer to her. He wanted her to scream his name, when he took her like no other man would. Halfdan would make her feel Valhalla. Pounding into her as she would lay beneath him, completely submissive and at his mercy. He would take her over and over again until she couldn't walk anymore.

"My name is Mary."

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