Chapter 5: Him

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He didn't know how he ended up in his bed. He couldn't even remember walking home. What kind of magic could this be? Halfdan tried to recall last night, but he found himself unable to do so. He remembered the beautiful woman, telling him her name. Mary. An uncommon name where he lived, yet common where she was from.

After that he woke up in his bed. But what happened before this? He got out of bed and dressed himself in his finest armour before walking to the blacksmiths house. As he entered he could only see the blacksmith working on some weapons as Halfdan entered. The old man immediately turned around greeting the warrior.

"What brings you into my small hut, Halfdan?", his voice was gruff but quiet.

"I am looking for Mary"

The old man paused looking at Halfdan judging. What could he possibly want with her. Halfdan was known to treat women without respect, using them as he needed them. He didn't wish that upon the girl, who had lived under his protection for years.

"She should be working probably with Hildegard", He reluctantly told him, "at the bakery two huts left from this one."

Halfdan left the hut walking towards the bakery. A woman, she seemed to be around the same age as the blacksmith, brought freshly baked bread out of the hut to cool down. He assumed she had to be Hildegard. She was blond, had a soft, wrinkled face and was probably a very pretty woman when she was younger.

"Is Mary here?", he asked her as she arrived. Blue eyes connected with his own and the woman nodded her head pointing towards the door. "She is in there."

The wood squeaked under Halfdan's weight as he stepped into the small hut. The noise alerted Mary, making her turn around towards the source only to find one of the Norwegian brothers behind her.

"Halfdan", she sighed, "how can I help you?"

"You could join me in my bed tonight", he started walking into her personal space, pressing his crotch against her bum, "or you tell me how I ended up in my bed last night." Mary inhaled sharply as Halfdan thrusted his hips more into her nicely shaped ass.

"You left my hut", she started, inhaling a shaky breath as she felt his breath on her neck, "went back to the great hall, to your brother", he started leaving wet kisses along the way, "and continued to drink until you passed out. Your brother carried you into your hut when I came back to the main hall." Halfdan bit down her neck.

"Stop this."

Mary stepped away from Halfdan looking into his eyes. "Is there anything else or can I return to my tasks?"

"You are not from here, are you?" He asked.

Mary rolled her eyes. "I don't see how that is any of your concern." She returned to her tasks.

"How long have you been here?"
"More than a decade."

Halfdan stepped closer to her and she walked away keeping the distance between her and the feared Viking.

"Are you a slave?"

She looked at him not stopping what she was doing. "Do I look like one?"

He looked down her body. Her dress was a bit dirty but not overworked. It was a typical dress for a woman and her hair was braided beautifully. Simply put she did not look like a slave at all.


He walked towards her again and this time she did not keep the distance but grabbed a heavy sword pointing it at Halfdan.

"Stay back."

He could not help the chuckle that left his lips. It was obvious that she never held a sword against someone. Her arms shook slightly with the effort of holding in up.
What happened next happened so fast Mary didn't even register it. In one move Halfdan grabbed her arm that held the sword and turned her around so that her back was pressed against his front again and the sword was on her neck.

"You need training."

He released her and Mary stumbled away from him.

"No, she doesn't!"

Hildegard stood in the door and looked at Halfdan disapproving. She grabbed the broom by her side hitting Halfdan with it and forcing him out of the house.

"The last thing I need is another person to go on raids and to worry about!"

With that she shut the door in Halfdan's face.
Creepy old woman. As he turned around looking for his Brother he knew that he would take Mary. Even if it only would be to annoy that old hag.

The Viking and the Witch [Halfdan The Black]Where stories live. Discover now