Chapter 22: Her

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The sun rose over Kattegat, drenching everything in a soft orange tone and the anticipated boats had arrived shortly after sunrise.

After last night Mary laid the healer's cabin, still asleep. This was the first time she didn't have any night terrors, she did not have to relive everything that was done to her. It seemed like Floki's revelation and acceptance caused the Gods to protect her from the evil of her past.

Olaf and Hildegard were worried out of their minds. They sent their sons through the whole village and even into the Forrest until Floki visited their humble abode and explained what had happened hours prior.

Needless to say they weren't happy about her failing health, but once they saw the young woman sleeping in the healer's hut they felt relief. Mary did already looked better than she had the last few weeks and the glow of her skin was visible to everyone in the room.

"She definitely is a gift from the Gods, she just needed to hear it, know it, accept it."

The healer's words were soft spoken and they agreed to let Mary sleep in her cabin until she woke up. Once they walked outside they could see their sons mingle with the visitors. Especially Eric was busy charming the young women and eyeing a few men. Leif just stood besides his brother talking to another man.

Mary continued to sleep. Her body was exhausted yet her mind was wandering. She walked over a meadow. It reached so far she could not see the end. There were no hills, no woods, and the sky was grey. A thick mist swirled above the ground but she could feel the cold grass against her feet.

She looked around confused, and it took her a while before she started to see a dark figure walking towards her. Mary heard a croak and saw a raven flying above her. As the figure grew closer she could see it was a man. He only had one eye and was dressed in finest clothes.

"You are home. You are safe."

His voice was so deep it felt like the ground under her feet was moving. She remembered all  the stories Floki told her. Stories of the Gods, and destiny, and the Allfather Odin, who was now standing in front of her.

"Control your powers and use them wisely."
He looked at her, debating. "Continue using them wisely.

Mary woke up with a gasp. The cabin was dark. She quickly got up, not sure where she was so she left the cabin quickly only to see the moon up in the sky. But it wasn't too late, she could tell.

Mary walked towards the great hall, desperate to see a familiar face. She could gear loud laughter, and music coming from the hall, and saw many strangers looking at her as she quickly entered the hall.

Auslaug and Ragnar were sitting at the far back of the hall on the thrones, while their sons were mingling with the strangers, besides Ivar, who just sat next to Ubbe scowling at the table in front of him. Leif was sitting at a table to the far right. Eric sat next to him a girl in his lap. Everyone was laughing loudly and enjoying themselves.

Hildegard and Olaf sat on the far left of the great hall. She wanted to walk towards them when an older slave she had seen around many times pushed her into the other direction.

"Come on, don't stand there doing nothing. The cups won't fill themselves!"

Mary sighed. She walked towards the back getting more mead. As she walked up and down the tables, looking if she could refill anything, a group of men noticed her. They didn't hesitate to call her over multiple times. As much as she didn't want to she had to she was a slave after all.

Leif was shocked to see Mary walking around and grimaced when she saw them walking towards the very drunk group of men. Eric hadn't seen her yet. He was too busy flirting and getting cosy with the woman on his lap.

Leif turned towards his parents but could only see his father on his spot next to his friends. His mother on the other hand had seen Mary as well and was making her way towards the young woman.

Mary started to feel dizzy, her head ached. She quickly distanced herself from the strange men and walked straight into Hildegard's arms.

"What are you doing out and working?"

"I didn't know where I was and when I came here I was told to work." She explained weakly.

Hildegard took what Mary was carrying and placed into the hands of a slave, that happened to walk by.

"You go back to your room and rest!"

Mary sighed and nodded. As she walked out Hildegard sat down next to her husband again. Although, it should have been obvious no one noticed the three man standing up as well following the sick woman.

Mary's headache grew worse and she desired nothing more than going back to bed. She was so distracted she didn't notice any of the three man behind her until they pushed her into a hut.

"Who do you think she is?" One of the man asked.

"Who cares? She's probably just a thrall." They laughed and Mary looked at them in horror as she realised what they planned.


"She has a voice, would you look at that!" They laughed again. "You do not have a choice in that matter."

Mary grew angry. She was done letting everything happen to her, she was done being passive.

"No." She said again and stood up.

As the men tried to grab her she defended herself. The wind started blowing so hard the hut was ready to collapse as Mary pulled away and hit her aggressor. He fell through the wooden wall of the cabin. The last one let go of her, it seemed as if touching her burned his hands. The one she pushed away had hit his head and was unconscious.

Mary left cursing the three men out with all the colourful words she knew in her mother-tounge and the pagan language.

She went to bed not knowing the consequences  of her actions.

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