Chapter 19: Him

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The sun was about the set when the vikings left the great hall to sacrifice to their Gods. Halfdan stood next to Mary's brother, Leif. A pregnant wife and her child stood on Leif's other side. Björn would take Ragnar's place. Mary walked behind the royal family, dressed in a pretty gown, holding up the sword for Björn to take.

Halfdan's eyes never left her frame, taking her in completely. She was too focused praying to the Gods to noticed him. Once the sacrifice was complete, she took the sword away. The crowd slowly started to disperse and Halfdan made up his mind. He was gonna go to find the little witch.

The door of the bakery squeaked and Hildegard turned towards the intruder. Her glare was immediate once she saw the blond man stepping in.

"What are you doing here? After the last time, you shouldn't step anywhere close to my family!", she shouted at him. "My daughter was even more lonely than before, and my husband is dead."

Harsh. He didn't think they were gonna blame him. It was a raid, not baking bread. He couldn't have done anything, so he didn't take her too serious.

"What is going on with the shouting?"

Mary had entered the hut and glared at the tall viking. Halfdan turned towards her and stepped closer. She opened the door wider and motioned him to go outside. She followed him out of the house and closed the door behind her.

"What do you want?"

If he was honest, he didn't know. Why? Because he had wanted to sleep with her all those years ago and didn't succeed? Because it was his worry over her, her family, her father's death that cost him to be injured? Because he didn't get her out if his mind and it made him weak? Because his need to have her by his side all the time?

"Are you here to weasel yourself into my family's affection only to leave again?" She glared at him,  "I trusted you, yet you never cared, did you?"

She was livid. The wind picked up and the clouds grew darker, looking like they were about to swallow any bit of light.

"No, I came for you."

She took a step back. "No. Just leave me alone!"

He wanted to stop her, walk after her, press her against the closest hut to tell her he was serious but the voice of her brother made him freeze mid-step.

"Let her cool off a bit. Come on, walk with me."

The men started walking into the opposite direction Mary took. A small cabin came into their view, in front sat the pregnant woman Halfdan had seen earlier. The boy was standing in front of her, a wooden sword in his hand as he showed her how well he could swing the sword around.

"Don't take mother's or Mary's words not too serious. They are still grieving not only father but Ragnar as well. He was like another father for her."

Halfdan nodded. "How has life been to you, friend?"

Leif nodded towards the woman and the child.

"I got married and now work as the only blacksmith in Kattegat. It's been good."

The men walked another few steps in silence. "After leaving so abruptly, what do you want from my sister?"

"I want to take her with me. She'll live with me in Norway."

They walked closer to the cabin. The boy, finally seeing his father, started running towards him. The woman looked up, a smile on her face as she walked towards her husband and embraced him.

"Why would you want that? You've been gone for years after not even saying anything to her. Why would she want to come with you? Why should I even let her?"

The Viking and the Witch [Halfdan The Black]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora