Chapter 6: Her

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They led her through the village. Many people were surrounding them, shouting insults at her. People who Mary had helped before turned their backs on her as she and the other men stepped into the house for interrogation.

It was a large house built out of woods and was painted black. Everyone knew once you stepped out of the house again you would die. Mary would be lying if she said she was not scared as they led her through the large door. Scary paintings decorated the walls. They showed women and children burning on stakes, hanging in front of the village or decapitated head on sticks in houses.

The room was lit with a few candles and men were sitting at tables eating food, that smelled burned and just overall horrible. When they heard the door opening they grinned revealing their yellow and broken teeth. Mary wanted to shake in fear but she refused to give her captors this satisfaction. Two men stood up and walked towards Mary.

"Hello Witch, ready to confess your crimes?", he said. His breath smelled terrible.

Mary pushed her shoulders back, trying to look confident.

"I have nothing to confess."

The men laughed. "They all do. Don't worry she will confess before dusk."

They roughly took her arms and dragged her towards a door. No matter how hard Mary struggled, she couldn't get free.
One of the men, a tall and strong guy with black hair and a large hat pushed her through the door, making her fall down the sixteen stairs, which led to the torture chamber.

Only one torch lit the dark hallway. Everything was dirty and the floor was stained with blood. Spiderwebs were hanging above and on the prison doors. Six cells, three on each side were in the hallway. Mary saw four of them occupied with other young women. They were cowering away by the sound of Mary being dragged towards the room at the very end of the hallway.

The second man, a small fat man with blond hair opened the door and Mary felt the warmth of the room before she stepped into it. The sight of the room sent shivers down her spine regardless of the large fire heating up the room. The men pushed Mary onto a chair and tied her arms down.

"Now, tell us your name", the blond guy told her.

Mary straightened herself as she answered loud and clear, "Mary".

"How did you become a witch, Mary", the other guy asked. "Were you born with it or is it a curse?"

"I am not a Witch!"

The dark haired man sighed. Why does no woman want to confess? Everything would be so much easier!

"Henry, get the blade."

The blond man walked towards a table, taking a small knife with him. They would start the normal procedure as every time. Henry took her waist long hair and cut it off before passing the knife on to the other man. He used it to first cut of the sleeves of her dress. Mary's pale skin shined bright in the light of the fire. The dark haired man placed the knife onto her skin before pushing it down, making the red blood drop down her arm. The red blood was a strong contrast next to Mary's skin and she hissed, when she felt the man drag down the knife towards her elbow before he stopped and took the knife away.

"Why are the witches here?", he asked and Mary just shook her head.

"There are no witches!"

The scary man just continued cutting her arm, moving on to the other after a while. He continued asking questions. The wood above them squeaking every now and then. Suddenly the door opened, making the man look away from Mary and towards the man entering the big chamber.

"She doesn't talk, Charles!", Henry complained to the fat bald man as he closed the door behind him.

The newcomer looked at her judging her while he held a basket in his hands.

"Get out Henry. James and I will continue with her."

The blond man nodded before he left and Charles stood in front of Mary. He opened the basket and took out her books on the different herbs she found in the forest.

"What are those?", he asked her.

"My books-"


"No", she muttered. "Just books about the herbs in the forest."


Mary sighed in disappointment. Charles walked towards her taking the knife James held out to him.

"You know, you are quite the beauty." He said while dragging the knife down between the valley of her breasts towards her tummy, cutting the fabric open.

Charles ripped of her gown. Trying to get her to say what he wanted, using tough love. Mary was bleeding and crying when he was done with her.

The chamber opened again. A young man ran in panicking.

"The house is collapsing, the winds are too strong!"

James laughed taking out a branding iron out of the fire.

"Her confession. Finally." He said as he pressed the glowing "W" onto her neck making her scream.

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